View Full Version : Nausea...mostly in the morning

20-09-15, 16:12
I have had anxiety and panic attacks most of my life. When I was in elementary school, I would throw up before leaving home for school. I have been on several anxiety/depression meds for most of my ADULT life. I have tried to live without them, but I really struggle when I'm not on them.

Right now I am trying out a new (for me) blood pressure med, because the other ones that I've tried have made me feel terrible ~ and nauseous. I'm starting to think, though, that the nausea is instead, anxiety based. I am currently off all anxiety meds . I woke up this morning, exercised, did some chores and have felt nauseous most of the morning. I can feel the tension start at the base of my neck and shoulders and work it's way up to the base of my head. Then I start feeling sick. I also can feel my breathing getting shallow. I try the breathing exercises, which sometimes work, most of the time don't. So, as I read in some posts ~ I think I have a fear of nausea/vomiting, which makes things worse, and that I AM one of those people who truly need meds, or SOMETHING, to just have a reasonably normal life. I also get uptight about taking my bp. My husband is worried that it's either too high or too low and HE can make me anxious. I just got off of atenolol last week, after being on it for a month, because my pulse was in the basement and my bp the same. THAT made me feel sicker, but I think that the anxiety may have contributed to it, too. So I am at a point of almost being afraid to take any med because of the sick feelings. It seems like a vicious cycle. I have been taking Norvasc for a few days and I didn't feel sick until this morning. I also have a prescription for Paxil, that I'm supposed to start in two weeks, after I see if I can tolerate the Norvasc. Paxil is the lowest dose to start ~ 10 mgs per my own request.

Anyone else have this problem and do you have some suggestions as to how I can get it to STOP. I hate that sneaky, nauseated feeling that seems to come out of nowhere...:lac:

Thanks for any help!

20-09-15, 16:33
I tend to blame most symptoms on any meds I take. So I decided to give them all up and try dealing with the anxiety in a more natural way. Nausea is something that seems to go hand in hand with anxiety for me. I hate feeling nauseous and hate vomiting too. I drink peppermint tea or chamomile. I go for a walk. I keep my mind occupied.

When I'm at the worst point of panic I usually make myself sick. I know that sound awful but it works for me. It relieves that feeling of nausea and also takes the edge of the panic.

Mornings are always the worst time for anxiety and depression. By evening I feel absolutely normal and feel I can take on the world but come morning and I'm a quivering wreck again....

I posted in success stories some of my coping strategies. They really do help me. But everyone develops their own.

I had a BP problem too, but the more I worried the more I checked it and the more I checked it the worse it got! I stopped doing that. I waited until I was in a normal anxiety-free stage, then took my BP regularly for a week and discovered it was normal!

Anyway, I think you can safely say that your nausea is caused by anxiety, just knowing that may bring you some relief. Give your meds some time, your system should get used to them after a while. But try sipping some herbal tea for relief. It really does work for me.

20-09-15, 20:02
Thanks for the encouragement! You know, like I said in my introduction thread, it really does help to talk to people who understand. And I need to order more herbal tea :) ...
we live a ways from a grocery store, so I depend on my online shops to fill a lot of my needs. Thank you again!

31-10-15, 22:06
I often feel sick during the day, the waves of nausea come over me and I hate it.

Anxiety defiantly makes it worse, when I was at Rock bottom in my life and waking up panicking and shaking I would reach and reach feeling so sick, I couldn't eat until around mid day, I lost a total of three stone. But I was in a very bad way that was three years ago and even though I have come a long way, I still get the waves of sickness come over me. Also if I excersie or move to quickly I get it then too ��

Sorry not much help. But please know your not alone x x x

31-10-15, 22:25

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.


Elen Admin

13-11-15, 03:44
Hey deborah

I feel you, I personally don't like medications. I have suffered from countless side effects, however, I know that taking up medication is sometimes necessary. The thing to do is to never depend on them, only increased dosage if prescribed and if it's pivotal to increase. And always reinforce it with other alternative methods and a healthy lifestyle. I hope you're okay now. The other members have given you with good suggestions already. I've also tried herbal teas before and I find it really effective.