View Full Version : fearing i mnight have a pannic attack tonight

02-11-15, 10:49
i'm fearing i might have another panic attack tonight.

well, the reason is that i had 1 last Monday in the evening and now it's Monday again, i can't get it out of my head that it's going to happen at the exact same time, and the exact same level as last week

deffenetly a fearing of dred this morning..

02-11-15, 13:59
I used to dread Sundays for the same reason as it was a Sunday I got taken to hospital after a huge panic attack. Guess what it didn't happen . It's the arrational part of our brains that make us think that way. The more you get worked up the likelier you are to trigger one. Plan something nice for dinner treat yourself to a sticky cake and maybe used that particular dreaded time to phone a pal for a natter. Looking forward to you telling us all tomorrow you were fine x

02-11-15, 18:52
I used to dread Sundays for the same reason as it was a Sunday I got taken to hospital after a huge panic attack. Guess what it didn't happen . It's the arrational part of our brains that make us think that way. The more you get worked up the likelier you are to trigger one. Plan something nice for dinner treat yourself to a sticky cake and maybe used that particular dreaded time to phone a pal for a natter. Looking forward to you telling us all tomorrow you were fine x

your post made me think of the phrase, " lightning never strikes in the same place twice", so i just hope in this particular instant it's correct.

not sure i can cope with last week a second time around

03-11-15, 19:51
Yeah i know what you mean,feeling like a ticking bomb in the aftermath of an attack.
For me though whats also awful about the aftermath is finding it so hard to relax,unable to enjoy things(eating,listening to music,browsing the internet)and feeling separated from everything.Feeling cold,empty and an undercurrent of anxiety bubbling away beneath the surface.

04-11-15, 11:23
hi all,

mainly for the sake of jayb1, just posting to say I didn't have a panic attack on Monday

I had a lot of anxiety that I may have 1, and that caused me issues eating for much of Monday (in fact I didn't eat a thing on Monday, just couldn't). but things were a lot better

thanks all for the support

04-11-15, 14:33
Brilliant Emily 67 thanks for letting me know . Was pretty sure you wouldn't but was thinking bout you. Hope your eating settled down again

04-11-15, 16:38
Brilliant Emily 67 thanks for letting me know . Was pretty sure you wouldn't but was thinking bout you. Hope your eating settled down again

yes.. my eating is okay now.

thank you x

05-11-15, 03:43
This ALWAYS happens to me after an incident. I dread the 1-week anniversary. Hang in there, once you get past tonight, things will begin to clear up for you. Always does.

05-11-15, 09:26
This is the classic 'fear of fear' simply because you've had the trauma of experiencing a panic attack and would like to prevent this from happening again. I feel the same way, but please remember that no panic attack is the same in intensity or duration.
Also, you can prevent the panic attack, believe it or not, as by thinking about it you are raising your anxiety levels and feeding the anxiety. Starve it by staying positive! ;)