View Full Version : Heart worries caused by virus and palpitations

02-11-15, 20:02
ad quite a bad cold about 2 weeks ago,it lasted a week and now I am left with a cough. I noticed a couple days ago I have started with the odd heart flutter which panics me. I know there is a condition that can be fatal which is an enlarged heart as a result of a viral infection. symptoms are palpitations,tight chest,chest pain and having had a cold or flu. I don't have chest pain or tight chest but I am getting heart flutters and have had a cold. I think my symptoms have become works since thinking this but i can't be sure as now i am constantly worrying Im going to have a heart attack. I have been under a bit of stress the past week but not enough I didn't think for panic attacks. I feel so worried :weep:

02-11-15, 20:35
That is ridiculously rare.

Also LOADS of people report an increase in palpitations during/just after an infection. I remember a few years ago when I had a bad cold I would get skips/double beats/flutters every time I moved for 2 days, it was pretty bad. Back then I didn't even care though, if that happened now I'd probably run to A&E.

Good old anxiety.

dizzy daisy
02-11-15, 21:19
This is true I have had a virus the last 2 weeks and sometimes had palpitations. It's normal during illness doesn't mean anything serious xx

03-11-15, 09:52
Thank you for easing my mind. It's my birthday today I should just be enjoying the day instead of worrying about my heart and having some awful condition. I just get these episodes where it's beating fast for ages

04-11-15, 09:25
I am now wondering if the palpitations could be caused by a chest infection? I still have a cough but its not a cough that brings up green mucus,its not particularly chesty but it can dislodge clear-ish fluid. I have a tight chest and get breathless quite easily the past 24 hours. Lat night I got about an hours sleep because of a pounding fast heart beat and acid reflux that has been persistent over the past week or so. I hate feeling like this,I still have moments where I worry I have that rare enlarged heart disease from having this cold virus because my dad was unfortunate enough to contract a rare brain condition from a virus which took his life. Then I have seen two people closely linked to me but not related die from heart attacks though both those people did not lead healthy lives. I over think I know but then there is always this niggling thought of what if and now I am presenting some symptoms it does worry me.

pasta heaven
06-11-15, 22:21
Hi Nya, you need to put your mind at ease and visit your doctor otherwise you'll keep on worrying, probably unnecessarily. Sound to me like anxiety is causing your problems.