View Full Version : Now I feel like nothing can reassure me anymore.

02-11-15, 22:36
Hello again, I'm very sorry for posting on the same day but this is getting ridiculous. I have to stop searching other people's problems on the forum now, I have just read a post about someone having leukaemia and getting a blood test come back fine and having another and come back with leukimia, how is this possible? That blood test result that I had was the only thing keeping me from losing my mind and stop panicking about leukimia, what's worse is I've had so many convincing symptoms lately, bone/joint pain, bruising on chest. And then there's my bowel worries oh my god, it just doesn't stop! I am losing it now :(. I just want so live panic free so badly and I am getting so frustrated that I keep posting to get reassurance. What on earth do I do now? I can't sleep I'm shaking and I feel like complete rubbish :,(

02-11-15, 23:07

Your symptoms keep changing yeah? Be reassured by this. X

02-11-15, 23:18
Can you do the CBT thing where you let yourself worry solidly for 10 minutes then put the worry away in a box and refuse to open it til tomorrow? I'm sorry if that sounds like I'm teaching you to suck eggs, but can you get yourself to the point where you're tired of worrying and have to let it go?

02-11-15, 23:50
Honestly that does sound interesting. I have literally been in a panicking attack for a while then after a bit things die down. It's strange but It does wonders. And yeah I suppose that Is a good thing that they keep changing. From now on I need to stop reading other forums for help, it seems to make things worse (rarely). But honestly I feel that's kinda selfish not to go on other forums to help others :/