View Full Version : How do you control your crazies?

02-11-15, 23:12
Finding this forum has helped me to realise that what I go through is far from unique and isolated. At any one time, more people are looking at the HA threads than any other. I find that most reassuring and deeply saddening that so many suffer needlessly.

Controlling health anxiety is a fine balance at the best of times. For example, after being convinced I had HIV for 7 years in my 20s, I vowed afterwards never to let a worry fester again. If ever I was worried about having something I would "nip it in the bud" and get checked out immediately. However, that kind of thinking is not that helpful either. Constant fire-fighting is not conducive to a happy life. It isn't normal to call the GP the same morning as finding a new symptom in most cases. Many things are self-limiting and will settle on their own.

So I apply strict rules nowadays. If I know it's triggering anxiety I make myself wait 2 weeks. That's not long in the grand scheme of things. If the GP says to watch and wait, I do so for at least another 2 weeks. It's hard. REALLY hard, and I do it partly not to piss my GP off and seem like a freak! My big fear is being fobbed off for being a PITA. Nobody wants to be a heart-sink patient.

I'm not on any medication. In my experience the cure is worse than the disease. How do others control their HA symptoms?

02-11-15, 23:21
I do the same. I monitor it for a week then I ring the doctors. My doctors are different in the fact that you ring up, tell the receptionist the issue, then the doc rings you back for a chat and if he thinks you need to come in, he tells you to. Anyway, my fave saying to the doc is "you must think I'm a raging loon but....." Lol. X

02-11-15, 23:34
How do you like that system? Must be tricky if they ring you back at work or somewhere public.

02-11-15, 23:37
I love it. Nah they ring back usually within an hour, but they do tell you it will be that morning (or afternoon, depending when you ring). It's ideal cos you know you're going to get an appointment on the day you ring