View Full Version : Is it my medication or me ????

16-02-07, 09:54
Ive been on Mirtazapine for the past year and have put on around 2 stone. Although it has made a difference to my life i cant help feeling depressed when i look in the mirror(im so fat) 12 stone and 5 foot 7. I have always been a skinny person .
So i decided to cut my tablet in half in the hope that i might loose weight? I did loose a little but the other day i started getting really bad palpatations one after the other and 3 days later i am still getting them. It gets worse when i start walking around and then the palpatations get more frequent. So last night i went back on to my full dosage, but still having the blighters this morning.
I have confined myself to the house and scared to go out its so dibilitating!!!!! Do you think its the tablets or my heart. I dont know what to do.and if it is my tablets how comw my palpatations have not stopped?
If anyone could reasure me PLEASE HELP.

x soggypops x

16-02-07, 10:17
It might take the higher dose sa while to kick in again. Maybe if you went back to your GP, explained how you feel, he/she might be able to suggest a different medication which doesn't have the side effect of weight gain.

Love Jo x

16-02-07, 10:36
Hi jo
I have tried to tell my doc how i feel several times but they just do not listen. she keeps weighing me everytime i go, but from a size 12 to a size 16.? She also wants me to take 20mg of Citalapram in the mornings but i am so unsure? If they give you more anxiety at first i dont think i could cope.

x soggypops x

Ma Larkin
16-02-07, 10:42
Hi Elly,

I went from a size 8 to a size 12. I'm off the meds now and hoping to lose the weight, although its only been a few weeks.

I too cut my tablets in half, but I think my sub-conscious gave me palpitations because in the back of my mind I was telling myself that the dosage I was taking wasn't enough. I got over it in the end through sheer willpower telling myself that there was nothing wrong with my, it was just anxiety, and am currently panic free, although I still take my Quiet Life tablets and my Rescue Remedy with me just in case!

Les, x

16-02-07, 11:10
Hi Les
Im so glad that you got through it all. Are you med free now? I really feel that i cant come off them yet im not ready.
I still keep getting this horible warm feeling in my throat then palpatations. I have felt suicidal for years now . Isnt it funny you dont want to be here but your scared to die?
I have been like this since around 10 years old and the older im getting the worse it is.
Do you ever wonder what normal is? All the Drs say "what would you like to be like"? I say myself what ever that is. Im still waiting to find out.
Thankyou for your reply it realy helps


x soggypops x

Ma Larkin
16-02-07, 13:04
Yes, I'm med free now, apart from the odd herbal remedy as and when. I tried suicide, that's when my panic attacks started - the very same day. It took me seconds to decide that I didn't want to die when I eventually woke up in hospital, but it's taken me 2 years to cope with the panic attacks. I truly hope they are behind me now. I still feel a panic attack coming on now and again but have always managed to control it.

Mirtazapine gives you an appetite so that's probably why you have put on the weight. Could you not ask your GP to change it to something that doesn't have that side effect?

Les, x

16-02-07, 16:03
Hi Les,
I hardly eat anything In fact i have ti force myself to eat half the time,and the weight still goes on.
Im really glad you had battled through your panic , i hope one day i might have the will power to do the same.
Life is so hard and yet it passes you by so quickly . Ive had mental issues for 28 years and hate myself for all the time i have waisted worrying. But i cant help it.

Best wishes

x soggypops x