View Full Version : Hereditary HA

03-11-15, 16:54
I was wondering whether anyone comes from a family of HA sufferers or who has close relatives with it?

I was speaking to my sister about my problems yesterday and she told me she's suffered from HA for years, going back to when she was at primary school. By the time she was 14 she was referred for counselling because she was so convinced she was going to die. I was only 8 at that point so it passed me by and never knew anything about it until now. She says she's now in the best place she's ever been other than the fact she refuses to drive on motorways after suffering a couple of panic attacks at the wheel. It's been amazing to talk to her about this and it brought back memories of all the times she would sit and tell me about horrible diseases and things that could kill you. Cheers, sis!

What I'm wondering is whether HA can actually be hereditary in terms of something in our brain chemistry/psychological make up or whether it's a result of environmental factors. For instance, as I've been coming to terms with my HA over the past month and trying to make sense of it I've been thinking about the amount of people I knew who died when I was young. All four of my grandparents and several aunts and uncles had passed away before I left primary school and I wonder about the effect this had on my sister and myself.