View Full Version : Anyone else feel this way?

04-11-15, 01:39
Hey everyone.

If anyone has read my original post on here, you will know that I am obsessed with the fact that I have narcolepsy, even though 4 doctors have told me that I don't. I actually have an appointment with a sleep centre this week and I am nervous.

Anyway, I am at school right now and I am sitting at a table feeling "out of it", like I am half asleep or in a dream or something. I also feel kind of dizzy. I am so convinced that this is another sign of narcolepsy and that my brain is actually half asleep or something.

Does anyone else ever get a similar feeling? I am freaking out over this!

---------- Post added at 18:39 ---------- Previous post was at 15:34 ----------


04-11-15, 01:55
I am obsessed with the fact that I have narcolepsy, even though 4 doctors have told me that I don't.


What could anyone say that 4 medical professionals haven't already said?

Positive thoughts

04-11-15, 16:11

I woke up this morning after a fairly good sleep still feeling tired and "out of it." This is just perpetuating my fear because I'm thinking, I'm tired after waking up. It has to be because I have it. I don't know what to do anymore.

04-11-15, 16:22
I'm shattered everyday when I wake up and continue to be most of the day. I believe its down to the fact that I spend so long stressing it just keeps me tired. If 4 doctors have told you it's not what you fear, then as hard as it may be you need to trust them

dizzy daisy
04-11-15, 16:39
I'm feeling tired too at the minute but my anxiety is through the roof so I know this has something to do with it. It's awful though fearing something else might be wrong xx

05-11-15, 00:39
Thanks guys.
I am feeling weird and out of it again tonight and it is really worrying me. I can't get off the thinking that this is because of narcolepsy!

05-11-15, 22:34
Had an appointment with the sleep specialist today. I asked if it could be narcolepsy and he said no, he didn't think so.
I'm still worried though. I didn't get to explain really all of my symptoms so maybe he is missing something?