View Full Version : Food Intolerances and anxiety

Poco a Poco
16-02-07, 10:09
Hi all,

Not sure if this thread is in the right folder so apologies if it isn't.

I recently went to my Drs as I had been suffering with terrible stomach cramps and she said it sounds like gluten intolerance as it happened after I had eaten cereals, bread etc. I have since started to cut gluten from my diet and feel so much better.

Not only have the cramps and bloatedness lessened, but my anxiety levels have aswell.

I have read up on food intolerances and coeliac disease and apparently symptoms of these can anxiety and depression. Although I am not sure if this is due to chemical imbalances or purely because the symptoms make you feel so low and fed up that this leads to anxiety/depression.

Anyone else experienced this at all?


16-02-07, 10:43
Do a search on this one cuz I know that I have seen other posts on the forum before regarding anxiety and food intolerance.
Glad that changing your diet has helped you :)

16-02-07, 12:24
yes I believe its true, In the summer I paid out for a blood test to test for intollerances, it came back as I have a yeast intollerance. I have to avoid vinegars/cheese/bread/mushrooms. Since following the diet I have been so much better ,anxiety has been much better and the funny thing is when I reintroduce yeast into my diet (like last weekend) I felt bad the next day.

So there seems to be something in it.


06-08-09, 17:51
I have been suffering with acid reflux, heartburn, bloating etc, have started trying to avoid gluten and it does seem to be helping but seem to be getting very bad wind problems, anyone else had these problems?

06-08-09, 19:05
You qualify to be a fully fledged member of the "Trumpet Trouser Club":welcome: . Joking aside ,I avoid eating too much bread ,peas ,beans ,cauliflower ,as this causes it for me .Iam also allergic to cream and cheese ,both of which I love .I sneeze for England after ,but as its not so embarassing I havnt given them up. Sue

12-08-09, 10:48
Thanks Sue, glad to know im not alone, i have been eating peas lately as they are in season so will have to leave the off and see if that helps, am also wondering if i might have a problem with dairy as i too love cheese.

Isnt it just typical it is always the things you like that are bad for you