View Full Version : Weird feeling in the head

04-11-15, 15:21
Hi all. Recently I've been coping much better with my anxiety regarding ectopics, unfortunately as it is with OCD, my anxiety went on to something else. Since I'm doing pretty good with obsessions from different "categories", it went to other health worries. Now I'm worried about my head. This is new for me, as I never seriously worried about it before, so it's harder to maintain. From Monday I've been experiencing a weird feeling in my head, it's very hard to describe as to what actually happens. It's a sudden feel like my head is getting heavy and I begin to lose consciousness. I don't actually lose consciousness, but it feels like I will lose it (or faint if you will). Also all my thoughts seem to disappear at the moment. It's not painful, although it appears when I have headaches (mild headaches, but still). It's kind of like an exploding head syndrome, but without loud noises. It also kind of feels like I'm going to fall asleep, but it's strange, because I can be fully awake and one moment later it's like I'm almost sleeping.

At first I thought it could be from ectopics, but then I thought it's probably fatigue, I've been having a lot of stress and didn't sleep very well since Monday. But, as usual, my anxiety makes me think I may be having some weird, short "in-brain" seizures, that I may have a brain tumor, a "light" stroke or some other nasty thing. I need to mention though that I very rarely have severe headaches. But I just doubt my health now. Another thing to mention is that I had this feeling before, but it happened even more rarely than the severe headaches and it was for a very brief moment. Now it seems to have intensified and happens way more often. What do you think about it?

05-11-15, 06:22
I think most of it is associated with anxiety. Over the years I have been plagued with so many of the things you are posting about only for one to fade and another to take over. I think the key to everything is to just let it subside and if nothing else do not let your mind think of anything for awhile. Just blank your mind and refuse to give merit to the sensations and sometimes they will just fade. I have found that most of the time if I try to move my thoughts to something else then the first thing seems to go away unless I start thinking about it again. Hope you feel better soon.

17-11-15, 20:56
Thanks and sorry for the late reply. This has been an on and off problem for me since writing this. I had some tests related to the heart last week which ended up good and I am currently completely not worrying about it. But now I fully worry about the head. Worst thing is, if I bend my head forward and turn it left to right (or right to left) I get dizzy and nauseous, I don't know what this means. It's very hard to go with every day life with it. I sometimes don't know when things are real or not with this OCD.