View Full Version : I have decided on something.

05-11-15, 11:25

So over recent months I have been all over the place and it has affected my life, I have had reassurance and it hasn't worked all the time for me so I think it is time I try and that the bull by the horns. I think this web site is great and it has helped me a lot over recent weeks.

However I think its time I step back a little, I will still be using the web site but not the same way as I have been using it. I have decided I will try not to post any of my own problems on here for a while. I will also try and use the site a little less for reassurance.

The people on here are great and help each other a lot I know that a lot of you have helped me since I started on my uncontrollable spiral of HA. I hope this will be the last post I start for a while if I come on and see a post from someone else I can help with I will do that but for now I am taking a step back in looking for reassurance.


05-11-15, 11:37
It's a good decision. If you cycle includes reassurance seeking it will only reinforce the disorder.

One alternative is to look towards the more positive boards like Top Tips, Natural Remedies, Success Stories, Therapy, etc. There is a lot less triggering stuff going on in them and much more of a positive nature.

The articles are also there too.

Good luck and perhaps very shortly we may see a post from you about how you have felt less anxious?

05-11-15, 11:46
Hi MyNameIsTerry,

Thanks for the Tip that might help me a lot, I will look at the some of the topics that won't make me so anxious.

Yeah I will also try and come back every now and then and keep everyone unto date on how I am feeling I am starting CBT as well I think this might all help me cope better with my anxiety and OCD.