View Full Version : So p****d off with myself

natalie yog
05-11-15, 17:38
So I haven't been here for a while I had no headaches or eye pain or dizziness but all of a sudden out of the blue my constent swaying feeling is back. WHY ?
I was doing so bloody good now I feel like a complete mess. The strange thing is when I'm walking outside or playing a video game (yes I am a nerd) I have no swaying at all it only seems to happen indoors particularly my own home. I also have it when laying in bed like my bed is moving beneath me.

29-12-15, 09:06
How's your headaches Natalie?

29-12-15, 09:24
Also a self confessed nerd/geek here and I suffer with light-headedness and dizziness too. When I play on my pc after about an hour I start to now get quite nauseous. Problem is I used to be a streamer on Twitch and streamed for 5-6 hours a day and since all this Anxiety crap I haven't been able to get back into the hobby I loved sooo much :( it's so frustrating!