View Full Version : How to book counselling

05-11-15, 18:09
I have no doubt I have health anxiety and have decided it's time to put this to bed once and for all. I'm seeking advice as to how best to get that help. Is it best to first go to my GPs or is it best to sort out counselling myself .

I don't want medication as I believe I would be better suited to counselling as I've had it before and it really helped. Will my gp sort out counselling if I go to them or would they just give me some contacts and let me get on with it.

Any advice from someone being treated would be much appreciated.

05-11-15, 18:40
Hi :) your GP should have details of your local mental health service who will complete an assessment and decide on what the best course of action is. You can self refer to these services too, they vary by region and I only know the one that covers Bristol/bath/Wiltshire so might not be able to point you in the right direction.

It's probably good to go to your GP to speak to them about your anxiety anyway so that they know how to help you in the future.

05-11-15, 19:04
Many thanks for the reply, do you know if counselling is provided on the NHS or do you have to pay.

05-11-15, 22:47
If your GP refers you it will be on the NHS hence free. If it's a charity providing mental health services such as MIND then it is usually free but some have reduced charges. If you can "self refer" it will be free because you do it to a local charity or organisation that is being funded through grants by the NHS to provide services in your local area including from GP referrals which is all under the IAPT scheme.

If you Google "IAPT providers" it should pull up a page on NHS Choices which has a post code searcher to find your local provider. They usually have their own websites so you can read what they provide and whether they accept self referral or need a GP referral.

For anxiety it will be CBT therapy or CBT based guided self help, the latter being the entry level treatments. For depression there are different services.

You can often find these providers simply by Googling your area plus "IAPT", look on your local NHS primary care trust's website or local council website.

05-11-15, 23:23
^^^ What Terry said. I'm not paying for mine. I've been seeing a 'normal' counsellor too recently which has helped and that was free through my work but it's something I would consider paying for.

I remember my doctor saying to me that getting CBT privately can be quite expensive, I think he said £40 an hour which obviously adds up.

Hope it works out for you :)

05-11-15, 23:29
I should have pointed out that IAPT doesn't cover Scotland as they have their own NHS who didn't set the scheme up.

Radara, that sounds about average. Many therapists can offer reduced price or even free at times according to MIND and some universities offer free therapy to allow their Masters grads to treat clients under supervision. I think one in Manchester does that. AnxietyUK also have a sliding scale scheme for their members which is shown in their members benefits section which you can see on their website.

06-11-15, 07:24
Many thanks to you both, thats really helpful

06-11-15, 18:04
I went to counselling a couple of years back, was set up by my GP who referred me. I then had a phone call firstly for with them to see if they thought I needed it which came back that I did then I was sent to my local drs surgery once a week where it was being held. Mine was not for HA at that time but something else that I had going on, thinking of going back for my HA though this time.

Good luck with it all!