View Full Version : defiance

16-02-07, 13:35
on tuesday,in a therapy session with my psychologist,i finally depicted the event that has shaped my ptsd.i showed her using dolls that which i witnessed as a boy during years of abuse.i simply cant say what i saw,just that it happened and will live with me for ever.sobbing into the carpet i wept over my loss.then,when i get home,i hold my babba,a beautiful child who,along with her sister and mother,are my "2nd chance"
lets just say i lost a freind.but i am ******* determined to survive and provide my family with love kindness and protection.loyalty and devotion to my honeys seems like the most dignified and powerful reply to 7 yrs of violent sexual abuse.they ripped off my shorts and raped me repeatedly.......i cradle my beloveds and gently love them.
so **** you abusers i win i win i win i win
and,as the memories come back to me i will give more and more evidence
and one day...............................

16-02-07, 13:45

You are so brave. I am inspired by you. I too was abused as a child and have let it ruin the last 10 years of my life. My abuser was a family member which has made things very delicate. I will never be able to name them, or tell them how they made m feel. I too have a fantastic family and sometimes feel so guilty that I have put them through so much because of this. Your message has given me confidence that I can let this go.
I need to live for me and my family. I work to bury my head from my thoughts, I am going to try to give them the time they deserve, and not work every hour God sends trying to forget.
Thanx Ade and good luck.
Wishing you peace of mind.

PS This prayer gives me comfort.
Lord Grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change
the courage to change
the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living 1 day at a time
enjoying 1 moment at a time
accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.

Not sure about the last 2 lines!

16-02-07, 13:46

You are so brave. I am inspired by you. I too was abused as a child and have let it ruin the last 10 years of my life. My abuser was a family member which has made things very delicate. I will never be able to name them, or tell them how they made m feel. I too have a fantastic family and sometimes feel so guilty that I have put them through so much because of this. Your message has given me confidence that I can let this go.
I need to live for me and my family. I work to bury my head from my thoughts, I am going to try to give them the time they deserve, and not work every hour God sends trying to forget.
Thanx Ade and good luck.
Wishing you peace of mind.

PS This prayer gives me comfort.
Lord Grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change
the courage to change
the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living 1 day at a time
enjoying 1 moment at a time
accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.

Not sure about the last 2 lines!

16-02-07, 21:08
Hi There,

You were so very brave well done for telling her all.

You know I am here if you need me

Great Big Hugs To You:)
