View Full Version : Patch in my mouth

Fried Pisces
06-11-15, 13:28

So my symptom this time that I have Googled and made myself ten times worse with is a strange patch in my mouth. It is not discoloured, not bleeding and is not painful. It is like a dry patch that you would get if you had damaged it in some way BUT I have no recollection of damaging it, there is no tooth issue that could be rubbing it and I don't chew it. It has been there a couple of weeks. Obviously if you put that into the internet it comes back with the obvious scary disease and so I have booked an appointment with my dentist even though I have been recently and if there was anything he would have noticed, surely. Anyway, they can't see me until Monday 16th. AGES AWAY!
I have a cold but this was there before I got the cold (I think) so I don't think it's related to that.

I am the sort of person who notices every single change in their body, every single little thing. BUT, despite the appointment I would ordinarily not go to the GP etc because I'm scared of them telling me I need tests. Not sure why I have this time.

Anyway. If anyone has any experience of this I would appreciate some insight. The Google search I did did come up with a forum post from a few years ago but I don't know what happened to the OP.

Thanks if you can help anyway. :blush:

10-11-15, 22:21
I have this also! Ran my tongue around my mouth and could feel a couple of areas that feel slightly scaly towards the roof of my mouth. I googled too- wish I hadn't!