View Full Version : citalopram for health anxiety?

06-11-15, 14:32
i was on citalopram a few years ago for depression and havent used it since.

for the last nearly 3 weeks ive been suffering terrible health anxiety, i have had a few worries int he past but never suffered the anxiety effect like i have done this time - the shaking, feeling weak, wobbly, on edge, tearful, sweaty ect.
ive been to the doctors and they have reassured me that nothing im telling them is concerning them and usually that is enough to settle me but this time it has taken me a lot longer to start to calm down. my head is a bit calmer but my body is still having all the anxiety symptoms.
when i spoke to my doc if citalopram would help for anxiety she said i could try it if i wanted, so i came home and took one that night and one the next and omg it made me feel worse so i havent taken any more.
as i said my head is a bit calmer (i still have my moments) but its the horrible shaky feeling ect that i now need to get to calm.
so im wondering if i should try the citalopram again or just give it a few more days and see if the anxious feeling calm down and also does citalopram really help with health anxiety?
does anyone have any advice please

06-11-15, 17:51
I take Citalopram. It took a few weeks for it to start working and the side effects I just had to deal with.

pasta heaven
06-11-15, 22:05
Hi Kelly, I've been taking 10mg citalopram for a few years. They took about 3 weeks to kick in and they did help. However, I've recently gone through some health issues and my anxiety levels have escalated. After I've taken the citalopram it calms me for a few hours but I start to feel anxious again. I tried increasing to 20mg following my doctor's advice but that made me feel worse. Unfortunately one of the side effects of this drug is anxiety. I feel a bit more stable on 10mg but I am having a review soon and am going to ask to change them. It's a bit hit and miss I'm afraid, if you persevere they could work well for you, the problem when starting any medication are the side effects and you have to weigh up the pros and cons.

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 10:28
Hi Kellie
I understand totally how you're feeling. I'm in the same boat. Your dr sounds more sensible than mine though who has made me feel worse. She suggested some bloods to rule out anything before she will even address the anxiety. She mentioned thyroid, iron etc. I'm like you was doing ok and then got a virus, this made me panic and then old anxiety raised its head big time and stressing about bloods has just fanned the flames. I've been off work just over 2 weeks now. Feel so stupid. Like you say I've reasoned with myself but still got the shakiness, foggy headed, muscle tension. I'm so bad I've got my tummy in knots so not eating well either. I hate this stupid thing!!!

07-11-15, 13:25
have you suffered from this before dizzy daisy?

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 15:43
I've suffered from anxiety before yes. I'm just so worried at the moment xx

---------- Post added at 15:43 ---------- Previous post was at 15:32 ----------

I used to be really bad with anxiety from age of 16 or there abouts. I managed to stumble through life for a few years. I eventually became agoraphobic which was horrific and wouldn't wish on anyone. Managed to get a job working from home but it destroyed my relationship. Moved back in with parents and started to rebuild my life. Took a year to build myself up to being almost normal!! And met a wonderful man by chance who I'm
Now married to and feel so lucky. I've been having anxiety on and off still but managed to muddle through and have a normal life, working, going on holidays etc. I've had a bit of a virus which has made me tired, and that triggered anxiety. I feel out of control really and of course my tummy is in knots and so not eating as well as I was. I've lost a few pound which normally I'd be made up, but this is fuelling anxiety as I'm taking it as a sign of something wrong. Then when my GP suggested bloods I totally panicked thinking all kinds. I'm in such a mess. Tired, dizzy, small appetite, then trembly/ shaky, hot and cold- but my actual temp is fine, can't concentrate and fixated on physical symptoms!! It's a nightmare really xxxx

07-11-15, 15:47
did you get any help before for your anxiety?

i suffered depression before but never anxiety and its so horrible how it can take over your mind and body.
how you can go from being completely normal to a compete wreck in a matter of minutes.
how are you at the min?

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:44 ----------

sorry just seen the rest of your message

your anxiety symptoms sound just like mine, the sweating, shaking, weak,no appetite ect.

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 16:05
At first the GP just fobbed it off- when I was 16, I'm now 39. I did see the GP again when I was 19 who said I was just anxious. They offered me Prozac. I took it for a week but I thought it was making be feel too sluggish and of course those new symptoms were causing more anxiety. Stopped meds. Started counselling the year later because I was so fed up having panics all the time. It helped a little. Moved away and just struggled on, then finally went to GP again as I was so desperate. Started counselling which helped a little, but moved again and then just so so bad I became agoraphobic!! It was really horrible.
Im sorry you're feeling so bad Kellie. It does give me some comfort to know I'm
Not all alone with this though. It just came out of the blue and because I'd been doing so well I think it's just made me worry so much that there might be something physically wrong with me- triggers more anxiety bla bla bla. I'm wondering if I may be a bit depressed too this time as I've been down about a few things lately. Can you let me know how depression felt? I'm quite low in mood and tearful.
The good news with anxiety is that you can and will get through it I promise xxx

07-11-15, 16:12
i fixate on the symptoms as well and ive been told that when you are anxious you are more aware of tiny little things going on. i swear im taking notice of little niggles that i probably wouldnt even notice before but because im like this i waiting for them and noticing them.

have you had the bloody tests done? or are you waiting a while?

---------- Post added at 16:12 ---------- Previous post was at 16:06 ----------

depression is feeling low, miserable and tearful all the time but im sure if you are so anxious as well then you could feel like that as well.

are you taking anything for your anxiety?

im trying those Kalms tablets, not sure if they are working or not but i do find i feel calmer towards mid afternoon /evening so they may be who knows.

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 16:25
I haven't had the tests yet. I'm just so frightened to. It's not the taking of the blood it's the waiting and worrying about results. I keep getting myself close to tears with the fear that something may be wrong, but I know that's just making it all feel worse. It's like a vicious circle I suppose. I worry that my lovely hubby might get sick of me being like this too. any advice?
You know when you say you feel weak, is it like strange fuzzy headed and feels like arms and mostly calves muscles feel heavy? Also it's sometimes like a pressure across the front of my head and sinuses. I'm eating but not as much as I would have before. I had a big appetite but now I'm so jittery it's like I've lost interest.

---------- Post added at 16:25 ---------- Previous post was at 16:18 ----------

I'm not on meds at the minute Kellie as my GP just fobbed me off until I have bloods done. Some of my friends who have had anxiety have taken the citaloprsm though which worked for them. I could try the calms it certainly can't hurt. Thank you so much for talking to me I've just felt so alone with this. Xxxx

07-11-15, 16:39
you sound so much like me, its not he blood taking but the testing for something that sends me into panic.
im sure you hubby understands, have you talked to him about it? ive spoken to mine about it and although i know he doesnt understand fully he has been fab and has been doing everything as ive been a wreck and spending most of my time in bed.

i normally love my food but this has really effected my eating and so my digestion is all off as well.

i have that weak feeling,you know when you havent eaten for ages and you feel weak well its that kind of feeling although its not that (if that makes sense)
the horrible shaky feeling i really dont like plus the feeling hot and sweaty then cold.
im trying really hard not to get into a complete panic every time i get a little niggle or ache as i am 45 and over weight and things will do that. plus as i said they are so small i probably wouldnt even acknowledge them any other time.
do you have times when you are calm?

---------- Post added at 16:39 ---------- Previous post was at 16:30 ----------

its good for me to talk to someone as well as i dont know anyone who feels the same.
it so hard isnt it, if your having a calm moment you try convince yourself that its just anxiety but then you get a pain or ache or something and your brain goes mad and you back where you started.

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 16:47
OMG you are so like me ha ha!! I don't mean to laugh about it because I know it's really distressing but honestly I could be reading about myself!!
I'm 39 and moan because I've been overweight by about 3 stone for the last 4 years. I've been promising to do something about it but never do so eating nice dinners and snacking whenever I like. I've lost a few pound this week due to poor appetite as my tummy feels like it's in a vice. Not painful at all but just in knots if that makes sense.
I've spoken to my hubby and he's been lovely and been doing more around the house because I've been like you. They way I describe it is like when you have a cold and feel worn out but I don't have the cold!! If I did I wouldn't be panicking as much.
I've been getting up and out of bed but to be honest I've been sitting around the house moping and worrying.
When I go into the garden it feels like when you have a head cold a bit strange but then again I'm hardly going out so it always feels like that then.
I do have some periods of calm and I pray I'm through it, it's all over and then it starts again!! If I'm just chatting like this it makes me feel a little better.
I'm being snappy too, nothing major but just irritable I suppose because I've got myself fed up.
Do you have any children to occupy you? We don't unfortunately. I'd like to have and that's another thing I stress about xxxx

07-11-15, 16:48
do you feel ill on a daily basis? not just your anxiety?

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 16:51
I didn't until this started 2 weeks ago. Now I'm feeling crap everyday. I can't tell anymore if I think I'm really not well or it's the anxiety magnifying it all. I'm sure it's the later, I hope it's the later anyway.
Yes it's been really nice getting to know you Kellie as its just a relief that it's not just me like this and speaking to someone who understands xxx

07-11-15, 16:56
yes we have 4 kids but our eldest doesnt live at home and my others are 16, 15 and 10 and to be honest im finding it really hard to do anything.

its so hard isnt it, i find evenings calmer but then you go to sleep and then as soon as you wake up you think is it going to be the same today and bam its there that horrible feeling !! if you could just switch it off and break the cycle it would be great.

its so lovely to talk to some for me too.

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 17:02
That's exactly it. I go to sleep. Mainly sleeping ok but a few nights I've woken up feeling panicky. When I wake I just hope I'll be fine but sometimes as soon as I know I'm awake the tension starts in arms and legs - it's like ground hog day. I'm glad I have you to talk to right now as I feel like I'm a moaner sometimes and feel bad that I'm making others feel stressed because i am. I'm taking some metatone tonic to try and give me a boost. I've been off work for 2 weeks now and am worrying about that too. Do you work? I guess if so you're off too with this thing!! Xxx

07-11-15, 17:10
no i dont work

i dont sleep very well at the min, i nod off ok but seem to lay there awake most of the night which isnt great but at least most of the time im calm but as soon as i wake up its back.

im trying so hard to keep telling myself that the docs arent concerned about anything i have told them and relax but while i still have these shaky ect feelings i cant seem to break the negative thinking.

this is so hard as ive never had it before and just dont know whats real and whats not

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 17:26
It's just awful I know what you mean. I've just eaten something for my dinner. Forced it down because my tummy is so tense. Hate it so much. I'm feeling just like you, you're not alone with these feelings. Just feel so silly about it but can't do anything about it. I keep saying to myself go for the bloods and then that will ease my mind a bit. Then I get the what if it is something!! Then I panic and worry again. GP seemed really shocked when I said I'd rather not have bloods. Said don't be silly if something shows it can be treated!! Arrgh. Thing is if I get called back in I'll panic even though it could just be high cholesterol ha ha. Xxx

07-11-15, 17:27
do you find you feel more ill or niggles when you anxious and less when you calm ?

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 17:30
I'm starting to get shaky again now. Start tapping my legs and my arms and hands go shaky- gets on my nerves. It like comes over in waves. I'll have a period of calm and then off we go again xxx

---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:28 ----------

Yes definatley. What about you? Xxx

07-11-15, 17:31
omg thats so me, i keep telling myself that maybe i could be menopausal or have a thyroid problem but the thought of having tests and then them calling me back because something is wrong just freaks me out.

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 17:34
Exactly me. How silly is it though ha ha but I can't get over it. The dr looked at me like I was completely mad. Said if it shows something I'll treat it that's it you'll be fine. Felt like running 100 miles to get away xxxx

07-11-15, 17:40
mine started with a pain in my rib which did go away but i know of someone who has terminal bone cancer and when i got the pain in my rib my mind went there and it spiraled big time.

ive been getting little niggles but we all get them but i only seem to register the ones in that are, see as i type this i have one on the other side but im not taking any notice of it. my docs are very good and ive seen this doc for over 20 years.

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 17:50
I'm the same. And googling doesn't help!! If like a GP who knows me. This one was the first time I ever saw them. She was very cold too. I'd been to the walk in only a few days before who said I had s virus. Thought I'd go to GP as still had same symptoms a few days later and thought I'll just go for reassurance. She said probably viral but do bloods- arrgh I nearly passed out with fear. I said it's making me nervous and she said just have them done bla bla bla. I was almost in tears when I got home clutching the request form. Xxx

---------- Post added at 17:50 ---------- Previous post was at 17:45 ----------

I was getting into a state before this bout thinking back. As I'm 40 soon I'm worrying about all kinds of things. My mum had breast cancer in her early 40's and because I'm over weight I worry I'm putting myself at risk. Then my smear is due and I've put it off for a few months- don't know why because I've never had issues but worry none the less. Now I don't know what I'm thinking, all kinds of bad things. Xxxx

07-11-15, 17:53
you gel with some docs dont you, did she not give you any idea how long it would be before you started to feel better with the virus? i know they can take a while to go and especially if your getting anxious as well.

---------- Post added at 17:53 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

it really does spiral from one thing to another so easily doesnt it.
ive had one of my smear tests late so dont worry about that.

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 17:56
No just very cold with me. One of my colleagues has had s virus too for almost as long as me but she's just getting in with it- she hasn't got the dreaded anxiety though.
How are you eating Kellie? I usually love cooking but because I feel like this I'm not really and just eating crap because I have no appetite really. I feel as if I can't taste things properly xxx

---------- Post added at 17:56 ---------- Previous post was at 17:53 ----------

Sometimes because I'm so tense I feel a bit sickly afterwards too. Like you say wish I had s switch to just turn these feelings off. Xxx

07-11-15, 17:57
im not eating a lot at all which is so not like me as i do love my food. i get hungry but dont fancy anything and somethings just dont taste right.

its probably just a virus thats going around but because of the way you feel it seem so much worse for you.

why is it we can see things more logical for other people but not for ourselves lol

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 18:01
I know ha ha. Well that sounds like me too food and eating wise. Like I say normally I'd be happy to loose a few pounds but right now because of me worrying it's not great xxx

07-11-15, 18:04
ive lost a few this week as well

i just really want all this to stop so i can go back to being me again, i cant believe that 3 weeks ago i was fine and now im like this and cant see how i can get it to stop.

i so want to have a good night sleep and wake up feeling like me again with all these horrible thoughts and feeling gone

yeah like thats going to happen

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 18:12
I know. I was fine a few weeks back. At work, coming home, cooking, having a laugh and feeling quite well really then bam!! Hate it. I just want it to stop now. I keep hoping too that I'll just have a good nights sleep then I'll wake up feeling much better. Well tonight I'm going to pray that will happen for both of us.
Do you sometimes get a bit lightheaded just sitting there. I do and I'm plonking my feet down when I walk as my legs start to shake after a while because I'm so bloody tense!!
Just keep thinking my poor hubby putting up with me like this.
You know you say your dividing in every ache and pain, well I'm focusing on looking at my skin tone. I don't look as pale as I have done. And checking eyes and everything for signs that I might be lacking in something. It drives me mad like OCD or something xxx

07-11-15, 18:30
i know its madness isnt it, i only seem to feel the niggles that are where the rib is that had the pain even though i get them elsewhere and the other day i had a pain in my knee and thought to myself now thats what a pain feel like.
you seem to feel or look for things that you probably wouldnt even take any notice off any other time but they seem like such a big deal right now dont they.

i feel lightheaded sometimes and just feel really shaky which is really horrible because it makes you feel like your not well and then your mind races again

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

now im feeling sick but when i think about it all ive had to eat today is 6 biscuits and a bowl of cereal.

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 18:35
Kellie if you like I can send you a private message with my email and you can always contact me when you need to talk? Xxx

07-11-15, 18:36
that sound great
and you can email me if you need to talk as well xxx

dizzy daisy
07-11-15, 18:48
I know. I've had a niggle in my right rib a lot over the past few years and now because I'm in a state I think about it more. It feels like trapped wind under there sometimes but it's never been painful.
You will be Hungry really that's why we feel sick. I've not done too bad today. I had two bits of toast for breakfast, a bread roll and a banana around lunch time and just had a few chips for my dinner so not too bad today. I had to force myself to have it though. Usually I'd be scoffing away no trouble ha ha xxx

---------- Post added at 18:48 ---------- Previous post was at 18:42 ----------

I've sent you my email on a private message xxx

07-11-15, 19:02
thats what i have to keep telling myself that you get a lot of digestive niggles ect around your ribs/ top of tummy ect especially when your not eating properly.

---------- Post added at 19:02 ---------- Previous post was at 18:49 ----------

sent you an email xxx