View Full Version : Worrying new sensation in my head

06-11-15, 16:27
Some background: I've been diagnosed with sleep apnea so I started using a cpap machine. I've struggled getting used to sleeping with it though and my neck is always stiff in the morning, also been getting more migraines.

I don't know if this is related to the migraine but the new head sensation I am feeling now is a burning type of sensation to one side of my head. It's a burning/acidic feeling. It just has me really scared I might have had a stroke overnight. Anyone ever felt something like this?

06-11-15, 18:44
I would guess its related to your abnormal posture with the cpap machine overnight. My husband has to use one and he found he had neck/head ache at first until he adjusted to it. There is a balance between having the straps tight enough to stop the mask slipping but if too tight then he found it really made his neck/head hurt.

06-11-15, 20:16
Thanks for the reply! So you're saying your husband eventually found a strap tightness that was comfortable for him and kept the mask from slipping?