View Full Version : Cancer fear and lingering symptoms..

07-11-15, 05:32
So let me tell you my story. About two months ago I awoke with a muffled/stuffed feeling in my left ear. I could still hear out of it but the pitches and tones were all wrong and it was harder to hear out of. I let it be. Over the next week my hearing and everything went back to normal so I thought that was that. Then I started getting pains in my head and weird sensations such as tingling and numbness in my forhead, jaw, left side of my face. The pains would be random and on either side of my head and for only seconds at a time. Then pressure and fullness in my sinuses and both ears having to pop all the time and crackling all the time. Some dried and sometimes fresh blood is in my left nostril or in my mucus when I spit. I also get random moments of dizziness/vertigo and Im strangely sensitive to sounds Im not expecting if that makes sense? I also have random ear ringing from time to time.. completely random when and what ear its in.

I of course made the HUGE mistake of googling this and Nasopharyngeal cancer is the big culprit that keeps popping up. I of course freaked the hell out.

I went to my GP two weeks ago and he ordered an MRI for the next day. I had it and according to the MRI it all came clear and fine. I accepted this at first, but of course now I am not sure if maybe they missed something or they cant see it on the MRI. I start wondering if a CT scan is better. The thing that is driving me insane is some days Ill start to feel fine and think that I am maybe getting over whatever this is... maybe a middle ear viral infection with some labrynthitis or something, but then the next day Ill feel bad again and have a migrane all day and hear fluid in my left ear and it popping etc... I have already been on a round of antibiotics that did nothing....

I am really at my wits end here.