View Full Version : symptoms wearing me down

16-02-07, 16:17
please someone reply.

i havent been on much as i find it hard with the kids

but recently my panic and anxiety symptoms are so so bad that when i am out i panic until i get home and i am so exausted that i could lie down and not get up/ but i have five kids to look after so i cant

the chest pain is bad.

but i am so worried that the intensification of the symptoms and my fear of them, is going to kill me

someone help i really feel so low


16-02-07, 16:34
Hi Jackie,

You still having a nard time honey? For a start having to run around after 5 kids would test anyone. Deep down like me you know the horrible symptoms won't kill you but our mind makes us believe they will then we're off on a journey that torments us. Please stay strong and fight the thoughts cos thats all they are hun thoughts. I'm here if you need to chat. xx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

16-02-07, 16:39

hope i can get on to talk to people more as i really need it

hope your doing ok, hows family life treating you


16-02-07, 17:14
hi jackie
sorry your having it bad at the moment, these symptoms we get are horrendous to us, our minds have a way of playing really neat tricks on us, we know they cant hurt us but when your in that state nothing logical gets through, its very hard to try and think of alternatives, but as long as you keep going no matter how terrible you feel then its not in total control is it
take care
denise :D:D

16-02-07, 19:46
Hi Jackie,

I am sorry that you bare having a bad time at the moment. I find exhaustion from the symptoms the hardest thing to cope wioth along with the lack of motivation. it muct be really hard with 5 kids. Are they old enough to understand that you are not feeling too well? Is there anyone who can help by taking them off your hands for a couple of hours? You dont have to got through this alone there are people out there who want to help if you ask. Keep going kid, dont let this thing win!

16-02-07, 20:11
i am so sorry to hear your having rough time at the moment,im not doing too good at the mo either,i find i dont have fear any more its sheer bloody terror its that bad,i dont no if that helps to no someone else feels the same way as u do.i went to casualty wed night thinking i was having heart attack or blood clot so i no were u r coming from.its the old vicious cycle,u hav a pain or sensation,it givs way to thought and then the thought to panic and then the circle begins again,we r like hamsters on a wheel, but we can get of.hav u tried talking to ur doctor about how bad u feel.i wish i could be of more help.if u want to chat please feel free to pm me any time.thinking of u.x


16-02-07, 20:49

I find it hard looking after my two kids when I'm suffering with anxiety, so I know how hard it must be looking after five...!

When was the last time you went to see your doctor, might be worth going Monday and explain how your feeling?


16-02-07, 21:30
i on;y have one and i find it tricky. i'm a big believer it what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! but maybe red is right and you should see your gp. Maybe he can refer you for some 'top up' CBT

''my life is full of catastrophies, most of which never happened''