View Full Version : can someone reasure me

07-11-15, 13:06
Hello there I suffer with anxiety but never felt this bad I've had this feeling for 2 weeks now of and on everyday but today it's not going at all and I'm not sure if it's anxiety and panic doing it even though I'm not worrying about anything except this now I feel a bit stupid writing this because I do know what it feels like I've just never feel this bad so I'm not sure if there's something else wrong or anxiety, I feel all the symptoms of panic in my stomach but it's my whole body don't belong to me and my head feels the same I'm shivering when I go out but hot when I'm in I feel sick and floating when I walk can't really explain just feel physically strange and unwell and got a horrible sensation in my whole body I'm doing breathing and have been out but made the feeling worse just wanted to go home plus it's making me feel I've got no energy , thanks if anyone can let me know if this is anxiety just never had it for 2 weeks before x

07-11-15, 13:49

I have been feeling a little like what you are describing most of this year, my stomach feels odd as though it's doing little somersaults, my throat feels tight. Today I feel like I could just hit the deck and scream until I can scream no more and I cannot explain or even know the reason why, it is so scary and frustrating. What you are explaining, in my opinion, is definitely anxiety.

Can I just ask, have you lost your appetite? That's the main reason for my anxiety at the minute (I am suffering with extreme HA at the minute) although in the back of my mind I know the reason for my loss of appetite is my anxiety. Vicious circle xxx

07-11-15, 15:07
Hopeless worrier I have sent you a reply but don't know where it's gone I can't see it I will write another one x

---------- Post added at 15:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:58 ----------

Hello thanks for your reply no I find it very hard to eat till afternoon time and yes it is a vicious circle do you take any medication can I ask , I don't take any only rescue remedies x

07-11-15, 15:24
Yep anxiety . I'm in a permanent state of anxiety from morning til night and have been for 12 months. Appetite has disappeared can only eat in the afternoon too and do it mainly for fuel. Rescue remedy is OK for short periods of stress like exams and one off situations but long term pretty rubbish . I tried that a looooooooooong time ago before I finally saw my gp and got meds . I'd make a gp appointment for a chat. Good luck

07-11-15, 15:41
Hopeless worrier I have sent you a reply but don't know where it's gone I can't see it I will write another one x

---------- Post added at 15:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:58 ----------

Hello thanks for your reply no I find it very hard to eat till afternoon time and yes it is a vicious circle do you take any medication can I ask , I don't take any only rescue remedies x

I eat mainly for fuel, I used to love food. I'm on 20mg of citaleprom but I suffered postnatal depression with my second child and have been on and off them since then although I do recommend these for anxiety xxx

---------- Post added at 15:41 ---------- Previous post was at 15:40 ----------

Yep anxiety . I'm in a permanent state of anxiety from morning til night and have been for 12 months. Appetite has disappeared can only eat in the afternoon too and do it mainly for fuel. Rescue remedy is OK for short periods of stress like exams and one off situations but long term pretty rubbish . I tried that a looooooooooong time ago before I finally saw my gp and got meds . I'd make a gp appointment for a chat. Good luck

I am sorry for your difficult time but it is nice to hear somebody has the same symptom as me, as my loss my loss of appetite convinced me I have a serious illness, it's a horrible condition is anxiety xxx

07-11-15, 17:55
Thanks jay b1 for your reply yes I will see doctor if it carrys on like this I've never had it so long before wearing off and I can usually work it off but feel so rubbish no energy at all body feels strange and legs like lead and feel sick I could go on and on but you already know the symptoms it's a pain , I wish you well x

---------- Post added at 17:55 ---------- Previous post was at 16:05 ----------

Yes jay b1 it's nice to know your not the only one it just makes you feel that little bit better cos some of the symptoms are frightening and I think sometimes this can't be my brain doing this I feel so ill and strange , I wish you better x