View Full Version : hypnotherapy

07-11-15, 14:59
just wondered if anyone has had hypnotherapy for health anxiety or just anxiety ?
how did you find it? did it work for you?

right now im so desperate to feel better im looking for ideas to try

07-11-15, 15:26
Hi. I had hypnotherapy but it didn't work at all for me. Everyone responds differently though.

07-11-15, 15:59
The hypnotherapist I had was absolutely useless he was reading off a piece of paper 70 quid down the drain! I'd try the hypnotherapy that's on you tube to see if you respond and get a trance like feeling before forking any money out. Make sure you look on website for accredited hypnotherapist and research them unlike me who just picked the one nearest to me!! Paul McKenna CDs are good but unfortunately I can't stand the sound of his voice :)

07-11-15, 18:44
i found a website that listed ones in my area, but your right they arent cheap. but you know what its like when you feel like this you will try anything.

can you recommend a youtube one i should try?

07-11-15, 20:36
I like thomas hall I find his voice soothing but there are hundreds on there just type anxiety hypnotherpy and try a few out

21-12-15, 04:34
Hey kellie

Hypnotherapy works differently for all individuals. Hypnotherapy is still hypnosis meaning that the it's effect will still depend on the susceptibility of the person involved. I myself finds hypnotherapy just on moderate effectiveness.

If you are looking for other ideas in dealing with anxiety there are still numerous methods out there. I would suggest that you stick with CBT then just backed it up with other methods.

A healthy lifestyle would be the primary support then consider including herbal tea and nutritional supplements on your diet. 5-HTP and Endoca hemp products are great supplements that are proven to alleviate anxiety.

You should also consider meditation, aromatherapy, massage therapy, and exercise. These are great relaxation techniques that will significantly help you cope with your anxiety. :)