View Full Version : Got the cold and feeling stressed

07-11-15, 23:28
I've just come down with the cold quite fast and tonight after work I've been stuck in bed feeling weak and tired anybody else feel this way now?

I work in a shop and move to another branch and it's a new store so first few weeks they want me working like 40 plus hours but next week maybe 54 getting stressed as its been 4 years since I did long shifts like this. I hate getting up early too. It may calm down soon those hours to more normal ones but I am worried about getting to get through the first week? :blush:

08-11-15, 05:23
Dose yourself up with vitamin C, Phil. Split it through the day though because your body can only handle so much of it at a time and excretes the rest. So, unless you use slow release versions, a big 500-1000mg in one go could largely be lost.

I took 500mg daily and when I picked up a chest infection earlier this year and added another 500mg later in the day. I did some reading about "mega dosing" and was impressed by what legitimate specialist doctors are achieving in those areas so though I would do some slight increases to see if it helped. Just these 2 doses resolved my infection, which was very lucky as I expected to need to go much higher to help. I have asthma and thats the first chest infection I've not needed antibiotics.

However, don't hesitate seeing your GP for antibiotics if you need them.

Get plenty of fluids too.

If it's flu as opposed to a cold, see your GP.

08-11-15, 10:13
I've had some cough medicine and Paracetamol too but last just I felt that drained my head was muffling random thoughts. I'm Hoping I get better soon as its come on sudden. :huh:

08-11-15, 10:32
Hopefully just resting up and getting plenty of fluids will sort it. There isn't a great deal you cna do with colds but vitamin C certainly does help if you have any.

08-11-15, 23:57
I went out for 5 mins and the weather was awful and I felt worse. I'm hoping I make work on Tuesday I'm stressed about these long hours and early rises won't be much rest time for week or two.

09-11-15, 13:39
Update today I feel worse.

Everybody is annoyed at me if I don't make work tomorrow today I've barely got out of bed feel weak and tired usually it's improving by now? :blush:

02-04-16, 00:09
Anybody else got the cold?

Is now april and been struck with the cold again and the weathers still like winter.

Took Paracetamol again hope I can manage to make work.

02-04-16, 04:52
I've just had a throat infection for a couple of weeks. Dosed up on vitamin C and got rid of it, it just took a bit longer. We all had it in my house courtesy of one of my dad's drinking mates who also caught it in the pub.

The weather is a bit dodgy this year but we had a very mild winter so I can't complain there. It's got a bit frosty the last few nights.

02-04-16, 22:23
Took Paracetamol this morning made work. Struggled get through my shift come home slept hardly been able to eat not drank much very warm.

Took some cough medicine it seems to be the bed blind shivers with no energy. Perhaps my immune system great it feels like winter and I'm not a fan of jackets. Going out today made me worse

Feel like I'm dying will it ease off tomorrow? If not i don't go back to work till Thursday just worried if i miss one day I get no sick pay working in retail so I really need to make it in :ohmy::weep:

03-04-16, 05:37
There's not much you can do about it apart from drink plenty of fluids, dose yourself up and rest. Either your body will handle it or it's maybe a trip to the doctors for some antibiotics.

04-04-16, 18:37
Well i hope I get over it soon

Between Saturday night and tonight I feel no better just exactly the same I now fear I will feel bad the rest of the week and not make work. Problem is im bed bound with no energy.

05-04-16, 08:55
My anxiety is building and I believe my immune system has got worse or something when I moved house I went to quite a polluted place to live so I fear the air quality is making me this way had 1 bug and 2 flu bugs in six months :ohmy:

I googled this


I'm worried I will always have the cold or flu often or something

Struggled to eat again last night hardly slept been sweating all night my anxiety making me fear it's something worse than flu.

05-04-16, 18:10
Hi Phil, I know what you're going through. I have been fighting bronchitis since the end of January. Been to the docs a few times and on a lot of meds at the moment.

I too have been wondering if there is something in my environment aggravating it. So I have started a major spring cleaning movement and enlisted the help of my family. I own my home so can't just move, but I figured if I gave everything a good once over it would help and also make me feel better as I have done something to help the problem.

I'm not sure if you're more worried about indoor or outdoor polution, but my advice would be not to start reading too much about it as it will just feed your anxiety. If you feel that something in your indoor environment could be affecting you, can you ask family/friends to help you do a good cleaning effort so that is done at least? Next you might try buying an air purifier for your bedroom, I bought one of those and it seems to be helping me with morning congestion. Other than that, if you are renting the next step would be having the landlord check things out if you are really concerned.

As for the cold, plenty of rest, fluids and vitamin C would be the way to go as Terry said. And if it really doesn't seem to be improving a trip to the doctors if you can.

06-04-16, 04:36
Been up at 4.30 hot sweats and im heavy breathing in my sleep can't deep sleep

I might give it another day I hope I don't need a doctor usually I can shift a flu but this has really stuck me down :blush:

06-04-16, 22:07
Hopefully you start to feel better soon, I have heard from my doctor that this year has been a tough one for viruses and such hanging on. It definitely got me!

07-04-16, 23:08
Posted over from my other topic:


Made work but still feel bad my cough has got worse I avoided Paracetamol today so managed

Ate breakfast and lunch soup but I struggle with dinner I can't eat a big meal got no appetite ..I was nearly sick at the slight of oven chips tonight still feel yuck as I tried to eat them so may have to buy a deep fat fryer ..

I'm quite fussy and other than spaghetti or baked potatoes I eat chips with every meal I only like one flavour of soup what else can I eat for dinner that's enough to eat?

When will my appetite return? It's been a good 5 days now 3/4 days bad come this Saturday a week but not there yet maybe leaving home was progress back in bed now..

I'm worried I will die if I don't try and eat a traditional meal for dinner and tonight was almost sick so what can I do? My eyes are red and look unwell people at work noticed im worried I may need a doctor to clear it up but will it pass itself?

Anybody help? :ohmy::blush: