View Full Version : really need reasurance today

08-11-15, 15:59
Woke up this morning with loud humming noise in my ear and even just moveing my head or a slight noise set it off and had to keep swolling to ease it,its not so bad now it just comes and goes buton top of that ive been getting like a tightness and pain in my upper arm , im feeling qiute anxiouse and feeling as if something aint right for some reason its hard trying to explain how i feel tho, think wat im trying to ask is can the anxiety cause you to feel this way as i know anxiety can cause alot of strange feelings and phsical symtoms but im just not sure as ive never really experienced the feeling as if something aint right before and its worring me quite abit .

09-11-15, 07:13
Hi Tricia,

Feeling like something isn't right is certainly one of the major possible symptomsn in anxiety, people with HA suffer from this one constantly. So, that feeling is certainly one you can put down to anxiety. When we get new symptoms, this can happen.

I'm not sure about the symptoms themselves as I've not had them myself but there is still every chance they are anxiety related or something that any person can naturally have but you know how we tend to focus on them so much and make them worse or louder than they could be.

Hopefully someone will spot your thread and be able to help more on that part.