View Full Version : Never cheated, why do I have a guilty feeling though?

08-11-15, 19:16
I have never cheated on my boyfriend, I love him so much and only him, I would never do that. However whenever something on TV comes on about someone cheating I feel this guilty feeling in my stomach as if I've done something.
I'm 3 weeks late for my period (I'm always irregular) and my boyfriend said something like 'what if when you were drunk/on drugs you had sex with like 90 people and don't remember it' which really freaked me out, I've remembered every drunken night/on drugs I've had so I know I didn't but I still got freaked out by it.
I don't know why I feel like this, I mean I'm friends with a lot of boys, and often go to clubs with some of them but I've never done anything with them. Maybe I just feel guilty about that? I tell my boyfriend absolutely everything, maybe a little too much sometimes.

09-11-15, 07:45
Why did he say that? Given he has appeared to be pretty accepting of things on your previous threads, this seems a bit out of the blue and inappropriate as it will trigger you. Was it just a joke that he didn't think about?

This can happen when you are sensitive to a subject, you make associations with things that are quite innocent. I've done a fair bit of that over the years with my OCD. The way I've learned to tackle it is to ask myself rational questions about it. For instance, how would some person you have never met think X about you? In reality they don't know you exist and it is only you who has created their perception about you. I've used ones like that where I've had themes where it would be impossible for my fear to be true.

Really what you have said about the TV is not actually unique to anxiety. Think about a husband who has forgotten about his wife's birthday that is due in a few days and then an advert comes on or a programme about a similiar theme. Quite naturally he seems it, makes the association, panics a bit and heads for somewhere to buy pressies. Thats not so different to what you have described with the TV but it's your reaction to it's possible meaning based on something irrational that separates it.

Have you thought about having some therapy to explore changing these beliefs? It seems to me that you need to do work on self confidence, self esteem, etc and perhaps compassion & acceptance towards yourself too.

10-11-15, 21:02
In my opinion, that was a pretty insensitive thing for your boyfriend to say to you. Maybe having a sit-down talk with him would be wise. It's possible he's not as accepting of what you've told him as he is showing. Jokes have a weird way of revealing our insecurities and things we are afraid to say straight-faced. I'm 100% guilty of making jokes like that when I'm feeling insecure. I think most people are.