View Full Version : pretty sure I have gum/oral cancer. only 16 years old!

08-11-15, 21:25
hi guys, I havent been on in such a long time because I have calmed down with my bowel worties.
but great. now im sure I have cancer on my gums. allow me to explain.

an hour ago, Im sitting in my fathers car.
im eating a chocolate bar and looking through the mirror contemplating a haircut or not
I look at my teeth. im like wow, "wow, my teeth look weird from this chocolate bar".
then I see this whiteish yellow thing on my top gum. I start to panic. then frantically ATTEMPT to wipe it off. it didn't come off. my eyes widen, I started to think "oral abscess" but kept thinking much worse. I asked myself. "what does oral cancer look like?"
I did something stupid and looking up a picture. I was VERY frightened too see it looks very similar to white I got. I have a small one on the other side of my gum also. so great, I have 2 of these things.
I always had dental issues. more so sensitive gums and since I was a kid bleed when I brush them.
I am SOOOO scared. im so sure im right
I show my mom whats on my gum. shes laughed and told me the typical "its nothing" saying im so familiar with.
im only 16. I have only smoked a few times in my life never will again. I don't chew tobacco. it says it is very rare in people my age. but I have what it looks like. im so scared.