View Full Version : Strange lumps in mouth

09-11-15, 00:32
Hey guys, first time poster but long time worrier haha...

So my current health anxiety phase is focused on my mouth, and lately been experiencing some mild facial and gum soreness. I chalk this mostly up to the gingivitis I'm trying to fight off and also nerve/muscle problems I see a chiropractor for.

But what has me concerned right now are these small soft lumps I'm feeling in my upper mouth, on the gum/mucous lining (the mucosa I think it's called) above my lips but inside the mouth, in front of my teeth. I have two on both sides almost in the same spots, which helps me from completely losing it, but they still feel odd and I can't help but fear the worst as I usually do with lumps. I feel them with my tongue in the upper part of the mucosa near where it meets the roof of my mouth (I should probably stop poking them). They are small and painless but the general area above my lips has been sore on and off almost like inflammation, again something I can probably blame on gingivitis and my recent return to a flossing habit.

I guess I mostly need to hear some support that it's nothing and other people can also feel them in their mouths? Or that something I said gives the impression that it's nothing to actually be concerned with. My dentist did check the one out (before I noticed the second) and said it was just my "nasal spine"? I think maybe he was feeling something different and I didn't direct him to the proper area (or I'm just worrying about nothing as usual!) but I don't know.

Can anyone offer any help?

09-11-15, 01:07
I don't have any helpful advice regarding what it could be but I saw you had had no replies and I just wanted to make sure someone said something so yo didn't feel alone - worst feeling in the world when you have health anxiety and you're feeling alone! If your dentist has checked these lumps out chances are they're benign, don't worry in silence though! Visit your doctor or go back to your dentist ☺️