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09-11-15, 06:16
Just wanted to say that this medication is amazing for stopping anxiety and panic dead in it's tracks. However the only drawback is fear of tolerance/dependance and massive rebound anxiety once you stop taking it once you are dependent.

The question is, would you rather suffer from daily debilitating anxiety/panic, or use Clonazepam. I fight with this question every day.

09-11-15, 06:33
Valium works too. But after eventually getting interdose withdrawals on a 4 mg one of dose...once every week. For aa year or more...I decided the awfull side effects of addiction were absolutely not worth adding to my anxiety problems.

It IS an effective drug but the remnants of it can stay and build up in your body for up to a month, long after the 4=6 hours of relaxation effect has worn off.
The safest way to take it, to avoid risk of tolerance or dependence is to take a course for no longer than two weeks.
Be prepared to do a reduction withdrawal taper, which can and should b done under medical supervision

The drug has messed up my gaba receptors, which are responsible for helping us to relax naturally (which at worse may never heal and there's no way of knowing if they will,)

I regret taking this med, or taking it weekly over a long period of time. And being left with an additional prob.

I am VERY frustrated that my gp nor mental health team, at no time gave me any info on the POTENTIAL of addiction on infrequent use of this drug

16-03-16, 02:27
Valium works too. But after eventually getting interdose withdrawals on a 4 mg one of dose...once every week. For aa year or more...I decided the awfull side effects of addiction were absolutely not worth adding to my anxiety problems.

It IS an effective drug but the remnants of it can stay and build up in your body for up to a month, long after the 4=6 hours of relaxation effect has worn off.
The safest way to take it, to avoid risk of tolerance or dependence is to take a course for no longer than two weeks.
Be prepared to do a reduction withdrawal taper, which can and should b done under medical supervision

The drug has messed up my gaba receptors, which are responsible for helping us to relax naturally (which at worse may never heal and there's no way of knowing if they will,)

I regret taking this med, or taking it weekly over a long period of time. And being left with an additional prob.

I am VERY frustrated that my gp nor mental health team, at no time gave me any info on the POTENTIAL of addiction on infrequent use of this drug

How do you know that Valium has afflicted your GABA receptors? o.o

20-03-16, 20:45
I take .5 mg of klonopin daily and another .5 mg on an as needed basis. So every day, regardless of how I am feeling, I take .5 mg and if I have a really bad day, I take another .5, totaling 1mg. I am on a relatively lower end dose. High end doses are 4-6 mg a day. I was concerned about the day when it is time to taper off/come off. My psychiatrist made it very clear to me that because of my panic disorder, I am no where near ready to come off it since it is managing my panic symptoms. She told me if I can have at least 3 months consistent of no panic symptoms or physical symptoms of anxiety then tapering off would not be so hard because my anxiety/panic is under control. The taper may be a little uncomfortable but if it is done properly by your physician than it will be more bearable but you mentally have to be ready to do it. I will say I am not in the least thrilled about being on a benzo daily but it is definetly worth it since the quality of my life is much better while being on it.