View Full Version : Low blood sugar or panic attack warning signs?

09-11-15, 09:29
Hi guys, just wondering if any of you have experienced this. Had a bit of a weird time on saturday night, went to the roller disco and came over feeling awful, dizzy and shaky, could barely do anything. I get dizzy and shaky with anxiety but this felt different, more physical somehow and I was really really wobbly. I wasn't exerting myself in the slightest and I got to thinking I hadn't eaten much that day with my ibs being bad and maybe I had low blood sugar and just badly needed to eat something. I did seem to feel a lot better when I'd had my dinner. But I spent most of Sunday feeling dizzy and faint and by the evening I felt like I was having trouble breathing. Of course you can guess how this ended...massive panic attack! I'm just trying to work out if I got myself panicked because of feeling weird the night before and this caused the panic attack, or if this panic attack had actually been brewing for a couple of days and I should have taken notice of the warning signs. The things is I've actually made some positive steps towards recovery recently, I've let go of some stuff and been honest with my loved ones about how bad it has really got and and had started feeling better already so this attack blind-sided me somewhat.

09-11-15, 09:36
I suffer regularly from low blood pressure and dizzy spells as I am tall and normally have low bp, plus I find it hard to eat sometimes. Sounds to me like you had hypoglycemia, especially if you felt better after eating a meal (low blood sugar due to not eating). You then panicked about how bad you were feeling, its easy to worry when you get symptoms of dizziness but sometimes it helps that you know what it was that affected you therefore it will not cause a panic attack :) (I hope that made sense as Im rereading it back to myself and it doesnt!)

09-11-15, 09:54
Yes that does make sense and help thank you! It definitely seems logical, I was just getting worried I was going to get stuck in a cycle with the anxiety as so far every time I start to feel better and make progress I have had a panic attack, and I don't want to start associating feeling less stressed with having panic attacks if that makes sense! This is probably because ibs is new to me, not eating enough has never been a problem for me before and I'm not used to the signs.

09-11-15, 09:57
I'm glad it helps, personally I research alot about how I feel and use sites like these for logical explanations. It really helps knowing what you are experiencing as there will eventually be less panic about it if you know what is going on :)

09-11-15, 10:10
Exactly, knowledge is power!