View Full Version : Blood tests so frightened

dizzy daisy
09-11-15, 10:52
Hi all I've been feeling crap for a few weeks. Started with migraine and then I was fatigued afterwards and just freaked me out so much. My anxiety has been bad since and feeling weak and can hardly eat with stress.
Went to GP who suggested blood tests. Thyroid, glucose, cholesterol, iron, Ferrin, b12, renal and c reactive protein.
I'm so scared not to have bloods drawn but of results. Can anyone relate or advise please?
I guess it's because I've got into my head I have something drastically wrong I'm so so scared to have the tests xx

09-11-15, 11:21
Hello Dizzy Daisy.

I can relate to how you feel completely. About a month ago I had blood tests for my palpitations and tiredness, and they tested my thyroid and also did a CBC. The waiting for the results was the worst part of the entire process, and with anxiety, it made it so much worse.
The way you have to look at it is that if they find anything they're remotely concerned about, they'd call you right away, not wait a few days or a week. So it's best to try and not worry too much.
When I called in for my results, my thyroid was fine, but the nurse said I needed to repeat by CBC, but could not clarify why. So of course I freaked, and it ended with my Doctor having to call me to tell me why - I had anaemia, and my red blood cells levels were beneath where the normal line is. Also, my white blood cells were low, but he put that down to me being run down, as they were not so low to worry about.
The thing is, even with me having to repeat it again, I had to wait five days for the results anyway, so obviously they were not concerned even though they did find something.
Generally they check your symptoms, age, and family history before ordering blood tests anyway, so it would be then that they'd be worried if your symptoms signified something serious. So, I think you should try to be calm and just wait.
Wish you luck, and take care. :hugs:

dizzy daisy
09-11-15, 15:14
Thank you so much for your reply. Xx

---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 ----------

It's the Crp one I'm really freaking about. What if it's high. I'll be so scared xxxx

---------- Post added at 15:14 ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 ----------

Scarlet can I ask how long the tiredness Lasted for you? It's been over 2 weeks now for me but to be honest I know I'm so very very stressed out and so I can't tell if it's real or anxiety anymore xxx

09-11-15, 20:29
I've felt tired with pains and all sorts since getting a virus 3 months ago. I'm terrified of going the doctors as I have a phobia of any tests but made myself after 2 months. The doctor knows what I'm like and said its probably just post viral and that he didn't want to run tests as it would send my anxiety too high.
I think you are brave going, just the thought of waiting for blood tests makes me nauseous.
I had to wait for smear results the other day and was a state for 2 weeks. Can't offer any advice other than telling the dr or nurse about your anxiety and asking if results could be fast tracked...if they are done at the hospital, you get the results a couple of hours later x

dizzy daisy
09-11-15, 21:07
Thanks daisyflower. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. My anxiety will be through the roof I know while I wait. I know I'll freak out if I get called in to see the GP too as I'll be thinking all kinds. I've delayed my smear - I worry about that too so I can sympathise there.
My back is now aching with all the stress no doubt. Xxx

---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ----------

I will certainly tell the nurse I'm suffering with anxiety though and see what she says. I'm such a whimp :(