View Full Version : after death fears- anyone else?

09-11-15, 14:17
hey all,

just wondering.. is their anyone else here who gets anxious thinking about either- when you die, being forgotten about, or when you die- the world still going on without you?. (or both)

both of them are constant anxieties of mine, I hate thinking about it

09-11-15, 14:19
hey all,

just wondering.. is their anyone else here who gets anxious thinking about either- when you die, being forgotten about, or when you die- the world still going on without you?. (or both)

both of them are constant anxieties of mine, I hate thinking about it

I am constantly anxious about dying. However, oddly at odds with your concern here, I find the notion of the world carrying on without me a reassuring thing.

09-11-15, 16:14
I've had fears of what lies after death for example will it just be it, will I be in eternal limbo, will I go to hell for my sins if a place existed etc. People worry about different things in regards to death and life that proceeds afterwards.

09-11-15, 16:29
I've freaked myself out thinking about what death is like and what happens to my consciousness ... Is it just gone? Do I become somebody else with no memory? Do I just disappear and have no consciousness? Oh it freaks me out to no end ... Thoughts about it got bad when my mom died. I try not to let myself go down that rabbit hole as there are no real answers and I'm not a religious or spiritual person.

09-11-15, 16:35
I've told this story before about my experience. When I had my 1st heart attack, I went into cardiac arrest (technically AFIB) in the ER. There was no fanfare or life flashing before my eyes. It was a just a funny weird feeling coming from the depths of my gut. My last thought was "Hmmm... This can't be good". The next thing I knew I was waking up. My heart had gone into AFIB and they used the paddles to bring me back. I had no recollection of anything.

While I want to stick around for a while, I have no fears. There wasn't pain or fear. Frankly, there was no time to even think about what was happening to even register. When I go, I just hope it's that quick and painless.

Positive thoughts

09-11-15, 19:28
For all we know some one 100 years from now might read this thread, it'll be the archaeology of the future, rather than digging up bones and reading ancient books it'll be trawling through forums!

Hello to anyone reading this in 2115.

10-11-15, 08:16
I'm a GAD sufferer so I'm fine with death but struggle with life! :doh:

I do think about my family though, I'm not afraid of my own death in the slightest (the pain bit though, yes!). I do struggle with thoughts about lack of achievement in certain areas so that I leave no legacy behind whether that is a family of something else.

10-11-15, 08:22
I do struggle with thoughts about lack of achievement in certain areas so that I leave no legacy behind whether that is a family of something else.


10-11-15, 19:53
I'm terrified of getting old. no fear of death at all. I have no beliefs in any sort of afterlife. I believe you're gone. Wouldn't even compare it to sleep as you still dream when you're asleep.