View Full Version : High white blood cell count

09-11-15, 14:25
Hi everyone. Just wondered if anybody has been through this or has any advice as I've been worried sick since last Thursday and still not seeing anyone until this Friday.
I've always had a high white blood cell count, and my doctors have always told me and just left it and never worried at all.. As far as I remember they've been saying it for at least 5 years. Never thought anything of it. I've moved now and registered with a new surgery so they did all blood tests etc as I'm a new patient. My white blood cell count was high again and my new doctor (who's a junior doctor) was very worried and suggested it's cancer and says that's usually what it means! I've done all my research and feel like I'm not getting anywhere and she's booked me in with a blood consultant at the hospital Friday for scans and more tests so I'm left feeling confused and worried :(
I don't know if any of these can affect the white blood cell count:
- I've just had a cold and chest infection and been put on antibiotics to clear it
- I have IBS
- I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol
- I have depression
- I have been under a lot of stress this past month and just generally feeling run down.

Is there anybody out there with any advice of anything than can help me? Or something to stop me worrying so much? It feels like a lifetime away I will get some proper answers and not been told enough Information:-/

Hi everyone. Just wondered if anybody has been through this or has any advice as I've been worried sick since last Thursday and still not seeing anyone until this Friday.
I've always had a high white blood cell count, and my doctors have always told me and just left it and never worried at all.. As far as I remember they've been saying it for at least 5 years. Never thought anything of it. I've moved now and registered with a new surgery so they did all blood tests etc as I'm a new patient. My white blood cell count was high again and my new doctor (who's a junior doctor) was very worried and suggested it's cancer and says that's usually what it means! I've done all my research and feel like I'm not getting anywhere and she's booked me in with a blood consultant at the hospital Friday for scans and more tests so I'm left feeling confused and worried :(
I don't know if any of these can affect the white blood cell count:
- I've just had a cold and chest infection and been put on antibiotics to clear it
- I have IBS
- I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol
- I have depression
- I have been under a lot of stress this past month and just generally feeling run down.

Is there anybody out there with any advice of anything than can help me? Or something to stop me worrying so much? It feels like a lifetime away I will get some proper answers and not been told enough Information:-/

I don't even know what tests they are doing and how they are done and what to expect with results etc?

That's awful. I think if you've had that before I'd try not to worry. I think mainly this can be a symptom of just being under the weather too. Some Drs are sooo stupid. Xxxx

Thank you. She told me not to worry but what does she expect :-/ it just confuses me as to why no one has ever sent me for tests but she says it sounds serious :-/ I'm hoping it's just a mixture of things like my stress and chest infection. Xx

I'm sure it will end just that.
My GP asked for bloods to rule out anything underlying that could be making me anxious. I've also been a bit tired lately too. It just freaked me out. I will probably have them done tomorrow but am sick with worry already. She looked at me like I had 2 heads when I said that's made me feel more anxious. Said it's not a big deal and just have them done xx

Don't you just love overzealous junior doctors ? I'm not knowledgeable about blood cells but remember my brother had too many a while ago and he is fine. I'd either ring your gp practice and ask to speak to a senior Dr or even the hospital you are going to for tests etc for more information . You shouldn't have been left in limbo like this not knowing what's going on. Best of luck

I was going to ask if I could see another doctor but I didn't know if they would as I've already seen one. And thank you for telling me about your brother it has me feeling a little more hopeful

There should be no reason why you can't see someone or talk to someone else . You need piece of mind

Hope you're okay. Sure you will be xx

I'll call the surgery in the morning and see what the say