View Full Version : Possible OCD/Anxiety causing right side sensory issues

09-11-15, 21:57
Hey all,

Im looking for some advice and hopfully some reassurance.

Let me start off by sayiong ive got a long history with OCD and anxiety, im also not afraid to admit im a hypochondriac. it seems every year i will come up with some sort of health scare. Ive come to realise that im just going down the same path and this may just be my mind playing tricks again.

Heres the problem, ive noticed that the right side or my body is less senstive then my left. if i was to scratch my self then my left side would feel more of it then my right. it almost feels like my rightside can put up with more discomfort then the left. also im getting slight headaches on the right side of my head, if ive been asleep and i wake up, it some times feels like my right side is asleep, but at no point have i lost any strength in my right side.

Now for the part thats confusing me, please bare with me if this gets confusing. im not sure if this is all caused by a sports injury. i exercise 6 times a week (another OCD thing) ive noticed a tense my right leg arm and neck quite a bit, im not sure if this could be a form of RSI?

Heres another thing i found, when asking my mother about this she found the right side of her body feels more but she is left handed, so it got me thinking if this is some sort of a brain side dominence thing?

I must also add i have been extreemly stressed at work, im also thinking about this problem all the time. i hope this post is making sense.

Thanks for reading.

dizzy daisy
09-11-15, 22:02
I think is entirely possible. Some people think they're having a stroke don't forget when anxiety is bad. Lots of people say they feel numbness/ weakness xxxx

10-11-15, 12:23
Has any one on the forum had similar symptoms to me?

13-11-15, 16:50
Hmm it's concerning no one's replied, has any one noticed a sensitivity difference between their right and lift side of the body?

13-11-15, 21:13
Hmm it's concerning no one's replied, has any one noticed a sensitivity difference between their right and lift side of the body?

Don't have exactly the same symptoms but I do have sensory issues, which I am the process of trying to believe are HA-related. I'm a newcomer here as well but Numbness, tingling etc can all be caused by anxiety but when you're experiencing these physical symptoms it's hard to convince yourself they originate in the mind. Yesterday every part of my body seemed to tingle or get a sharp pain, today that's better but I've been driven crazy by my left foot cramping and twitching every single time it is relaxed.

15-11-15, 07:03
hi there smithfan,

By saying HA does that mean high anxiety?

15-11-15, 07:13
HA=Health Anxiety

One of the very common issues one encounters is being hyper focused on a feeling or symptom thus amplifying the sensory aspect. So, being that you've noticed a difference between the right and left side of you body, along with health anxiety has caused you to hyper-focus on the differences which in the vast majority of cases is entirely normal.

We are asymmetrical by nature and, along with your history of anxiety and OCD is most like the cause of your perceived sensory issues.

Positive thoughts