View Full Version : Sore Feeling All Over

09-11-15, 22:22

I was just wondering if anyone else got this issue. I know muscle tension, tightness, and soreness are extremely common with anxiety, and I also know I tend to feel worse physically when I get anxiety down for awhile. But...For the last 3 weeks I've felt like I had my anxiety levels down, for the first 2 weeks, I felt what i'd expect..drained, tired, a little tension. But 6 days ago (would make it tuesday of last week) I woke up with a feeling I usually only get when I had bad anxiety the day or night before. Legs shaky, little trembles, soreness and tension everywhere. And it has persisted now, a little worse than the usual that i've noticed with anxiety. I've had soreness or tension all over my body, feels like muscle tension. Legs were shaky through probably friday night, but the shakyness in legs has cleared up but im still sore. Especially in my neck, friday night I had some bad tension pains in my neck, possibly because of my jaws/TMJ that gave me head pains and vertigo through saturday morning before that cleared up. The vertigo seems totally related to the neck tension.

Has anyone else experienced this? Really sore muscles and tense muscles for days on end, vertigo from the neck and stuff like that, even when you think your anxiety levels are down.

09-11-15, 23:23
I usually don't get sore, but I do get muscle tension, and my limbs will feel weak, I also get tingling in limbs even when I don't have anxiety. It is really frustrating, last weekend I got muscle twitches in my legs (From prozac) it freaked me out and I was convinced I had ALS. I was constantly lifting stuff, squeezing objects, standing on my toes, jumping on one foot across the room.

Take Care.

09-11-15, 23:32
Im used to tension and weakness and all that too, and a bit of soreness. These symptoms im having arent totally new, I guess the timing of them and the fact its a little worse than im used to is whats bothering me, and that its a little more soreness in addition to the tension.

10-11-15, 08:01
Its been off and on again all night. I mowed the grass earlier, did ok but felt weak. Then some soreness started after that, then that kinda eased off and vertigo started with my neck tension, and I was kinda feeling off with that, and then I took a shower and felt better during, but once i got out I just felt really weak, off, tension came back and soreness. Especially tension in my stomach and very very low chest, thats whats been bothering me tonight. Really wish I could find a cause..or atleast get more reassurance that its anxiety. I do feel now, that maybe I had more anxiety in the last few weeks than I realized.