View Full Version : Anyone's muscle twitches worse from vitamin B?

09-11-15, 22:30
Weird thing.
I've had muscle twitches for a good few months now. Started after a very stressful event in my life.
They actually caused a great deal of my anxiety 'cause like a good little Googler, I was terrified I had ALS and then I started getting anxiety about everything.
In the last couple of weeks, my muscle twitches are all but gone. A couple a day, mostly at night time when I'm a bit more anxious. No biggie.

However, I started taking several vitamins a few months ago: B-complex, D, C, Calcium and Magnesium.
Haven't taken the B-complex in a few weeks since I ran out. I took one today, and my muscle twitches are much worse than they were the previous few weeks.
I can't say they became less when I stopped taking the B-complex, I don't remember. But has anyone noticed after taking vitamin B-complex that their muscle twitching became worse?

I'm trying to take it for energy, 'cause I've been feeling very fatigued lately