View Full Version : Discharge? Cervical Cancer?

09-11-15, 23:01
Hi there, I'm really worried as I've been on my current contraceptive pill (Desogestrel) for just under a year now as I was taken off my other pill due to risk of stroke.
I haven't had a period since I've started this new pill, but all of a sudden yesterday and today I have had the lightest spots of brown discharge and I haven't a clue why!?

Part of me is worried it's cervical cancer as I do get pain during sex occasionally but can't get a pap smear done for another 5 yrs?

I may sound silly, but it's scaring me, any advice/re-assurance would be lovely,
Thank you. :hugs:

09-11-15, 23:55
why 5yrs?

10-11-15, 00:13
Dr's in UK don't do pap smears until 25, rejected me three times.

10-11-15, 10:56
go back and insist on a smear!!! they cannot refuse you one if you have symptoms!

this angers me as I have currently been through this and had to have treatment.

good luck

10-11-15, 15:50
I thought that stupid rule had been abolished after jade goody died. Yes you must insist on a smear tell them your symptoms . It's probably nothing just a change in your contraception but anyone should be able to get the test done at any time

12-11-15, 00:42
Aghh right yeah didn't think of your age, I just assumed you had had a smear and had to wait 5yrs for another one. The cervical screening programme is offered to over 25s, but if you have issues down below, then you can go see your doc and get an internal done. X