View Full Version : self confidence is key

09-11-15, 23:29
My heart sank watching gok today as he helped teenagers to become more confident. It was sad and frustrating to see young girls starving themselves so they look like the models they amire. In fact theese women have hours of make up and are photshopped to look perfect by having arms, legs ect trimmed back and imperfections covered up. I havent seen many attractive models only unhealthy ones who look ill and arnt attractive at all more ugly and most dont even smile. Its a shame that we live in a world so focused on how we look rather then appriciating what we have and accepting that we are individuals. Yeah plus size is sexy, curves are sexy and a positive role model to young people is someone who can love themselves and be loved by others.

---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 23:27 ----------

I support shops who have plus size models and encourage this image. Since when is a size 10 big.

10-11-15, 00:16

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10-11-15, 04:49
Self confidence is seen as one of the influencing elements of self esteem so it's very important. Resolving anxiety/depression means looking at these areas too as well as self worth and fulfullment otherwise you leave things behind that will be working against your relapse prevention.

Curvy is good for me, but so is thin, athletic or anything else, lets not leave any women out here as you will find very think women have the same issues about body image as women who are overweight. Breast size has always been an issue for thinner women and women in general whether large or small (the breasts that is).

No doubt pulisa will be along shortly to remind me about Vorderman :whistles: and who can say they can watch Nigella with their parents/missus, if you are a man at least? :noangel::roflmao:

Anyway back to more manly posting for me...:D

10-11-15, 07:07
Although my body image is better than it was when I was a teenager, I still struggle with it at times. Over the last couple years, I've really done a few things that have helped: I don't read fashion magazines anymore. In fact, I don't even like reading home style magazines, because all the "perfect" houses and lives people have are really unrealistic 99% of the time. I don't watch celebrity news shows anymore, or follow celebrity gossip. It's really hard not to compare myself to other girls and women when I go out, though. And since I've been struggling with anxiety and depression, my self confidence has taken a hit. I find that affirmations are helping me somewhat.

10-11-15, 08:02
It's the same for us blokes to an extent. I have my issues as I've put on weight and lost muscle.

And for anyone who wants to see just how much the mens mags "touch up" their models, just look at Louis Hamilton who went from scrawny to looking pretty good. If you Google his photoshoot you can actually see him on the day and he looks just like he always does and NOT anything like his front cover of Men's Health. :doh:

10-11-15, 08:27
I'm really hoping that 'scrawny' look for women goes away totally (I think it's faded since its height, but it's still there), as a guy I've very rarely seen a really skinny woman look attractive to be honest. The sickly thin look isn't what nature intended, it's a sign of ill health.

10-11-15, 19:23
Can I just say that I have a poor self image and my figure is what people would class as 'skinny'. Everybody is beautiful regardless of shape and size. Calling people with my physique 'scwrany', 'boney', 'anorexic' etc is offensive. That goes for all sizes.

10-11-15, 20:05
I agree. I'd also come under the scrawny spectrum and it's definitely not a "look"

10-11-15, 23:05
Sadly the starve yourself diets look like they are getting some press given Cheryl Cole & Co that have started popping up recently. I thought they had learnt their lesson from all the bad press they get about how they impact young women?

It's better to just look healthy. I also think women with some muscle look great but it's also because they are confident and confidence in any shape is going to be attractive. Strength doesn't have to be physical either but it is attractive in any form.

NE21 worrier
10-11-15, 23:09
Yeah, I'm a relatively healthy (as far as I am aware) but I am also a 'scrawny' bloke - 6 foot tall and only 9½ stone.

There's a lot of thoughts that circulate wishing I was bigger (i.e. buffer) so it definitely works both ways, and for both sexes...