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10-11-15, 15:15

My name is Jen. I'm 27. I've had many mental issues all my life, but never diagnosed. I was unofficially diagnosed with dysthymia a few years ago. I have a pretty bad phobia of dogs (most animals really) and what I thought was just an overactive imagination I'm now beginning to think is anxiety.

At the moment my biggest problem is anxiety. I just overthink everything and it drives me crazy. I've signed up here because I think having people to talk to who understand (or just to talk to) will really help.

So yeah, that's me :blush:


10-11-15, 15:22
Hiya jenblacksheep and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

10-11-15, 15:50
hi Jen

how are you doing today ?

10-11-15, 16:07
Hi Kellie,

I'm ok, just a bit drained I think, mentally. Have had anxiety for the past few weeks, and am just really trying to learn how to control it. It's difficult to explain where my head's at.

How are you?

10-11-15, 16:30
im the same, only had this for 3 weeks and ive never had it before, its totally drained me and i cant seem to shake it off.

its really horrible and a shock to your system isnt it.
how are you feeling physically? with the anxiety?

10-11-15, 16:40
I don't really get any physical symptoms, I suppose my stomach gets knotted when I'm really anxious, but I think that's a normal response to anxiety? and sometimes I don't really feel like eating much. Generally the physical symptoms aren't so bad - it's just in my head when I'm freaking out.

I guess I've had anxiety all my life, these feelings aren't unfamiliar. I've not always dealt with them well in the past though, so I'm trying to find a 'healthy' way to get through it.

10-11-15, 16:52
ive never suffered before so this has been real shock to my system.
ive had all the feeling weak, shaky, sweat, not eating, not sleeping, upset tummy, aches and pains type things which ive been told is normal with anxiety.
my head is calmer but my body need to catch up, i feel like ive had flu or something and need to get my strength back of that kind of feeling.
im glad your not physically suffering but the mental side is so tough and drains you doesnt it.

are you getting any help ?

10-11-15, 17:00
I thought that talking to people on here would be the best thing to help. I don't want or need medication for anxiety, I know that it passes in time. Actually just the distraction of talking to people is a massive help.

I'm glad your head is calmer - I would actually rather have the physical symptoms than the mental ones. I'm sure now your mentally calmer everything else will follow quickly :)

10-11-15, 17:15
im not on meds either and would rather not but i wont rule it out.

talking to people on here is defiantly helpful and im sure it will help you a lot.
i really hope the physical one go soon.
i have to admit that im not pushing myself like i should, ive been so shocked by how this has made me feel thats its taking me a while to get over it.

are you managing to do day to day things?

10-11-15, 17:36

welcome to the forum

i hope you find this site helps you

10-11-15, 17:36
Yeah I can do day to day things, although I've just got a new job and its the least stressful job ever, which is good but it means there's lots of time for me to think and worry about things I shouldn't.

What about you?

10-11-15, 17:40
no im not functioning at all, im, laying around most of the day.
i know i must push myself i know or i will carry on like this.

have you thought of therapy?

10-11-15, 17:59
I've had therapy a few times for phobias but it hasn't helped. I'm not sure if it would help the anxiety, I think it would make me focus on my thoughts rather than distract me from them which is what I know I need to do.

Do you know why you suddenly got anxiety having never had it before? Was there something that set it off or was it just out the blue?

10-11-15, 18:06
its health anxiety that scared me, know off someone who has terminal bone cancer and then i got a pain in my rib and my mind went mad and was thinking the worst and it caused me to have this terrible anxiety for the last 3 weeks.
ive been to my gp who says she isnt worried about anything ive told her and usually that would be enough to stop me thinking bad things but this time because the anxiety has got a grip im finding it harder to stop.

i do trust my doc and i am calmer but when you et like this and get a twinge or something your brain just automatically panics.

10-11-15, 19:47
That's horrible, I'm sorry.

I understand what you mean though about your brain just getting hold of something even when you're assured otherwise. I guess that's the thing about anxiety, you worries are often illogical.

I'm glad you've calmer though, that must have been so frightening.

10-11-15, 19:56
its very scary how your brain can run away with something.
i just need my body to calm down.

how are you feeling now?

10-11-15, 20:50
Ok, got in a bit of a fight with my partner though. I don't really speak to him about these things and he said something that hit at a nerve. Not a big deal, I'm not freaking out or anything. Just re-inforced the feeling that there's aspects of life that I'm never going to be any good at.

10-11-15, 20:54
it is hard when they dont understand how you feel, my hubby has been amazing but he doesnt understand. he thinks i should just distract my mind and it will al go away.

your doing the right thing not making a big deal of it, you are dealing with your own stuff right now xx

10-11-15, 22:03
Sometimes it makes me concerned that I can't really speak to him about these things, and that he won't/doesn't want to talk to me about it. But on the other hand I think tough love is what I need sometimes. I know that I cause my own problems some of the time and that I just need a slap to snap myself out of it. If he indulged my misery it would probably make it worse.

10-11-15, 22:21

My name is Jen. I'm 27. I've had many mental issues all my life, but never diagnosed. I was unofficially diagnosed with dysthymia a few years ago. I have a pretty bad phobia of dogs (most animals really) and what I thought was just an overactive imagination I'm now beginning to think is anxiety.

At the moment my biggest problem is anxiety. I just overthink everything and it drives me crazy. I've signed up here because I think having people to talk to who understand (or just to talk to) will really help.

So yeah, that's me :blush:


Hi Jen,

Welcome aboard!


10-11-15, 22:27
Hi, nice to meet you :)