View Full Version : Propranolol

10-11-15, 19:48
Hi everyone!

Does anyone else here take propranolol for anxiety? I take 80mg slow release capsules. I usually take them at the same time every day, however tomorrow I'm unable to take them for about 6 hours after my usual time and I'm worried this is going to have an affect on me. Does everybody else take them at the same time? Has anyone else experienced taking them a few hours later than normal? I know this may seem like a silly thing to worry about but I can't stop panicking!

10-11-15, 22:56
Hi I'm on propranalol. Not sure if theyre the slow release ones but I think 40mg and my doc said I can take up to three a day. I don't at the moment (although I probably need to!) But I can if I want to. Are yours just one a day? Or PRN?

Hope you're ok!:hugs:

11-11-15, 11:24
Hi Joneses

I've been on those same 80mg slow release capsules for a while. I'll be totally honest, I've skipped 24hrs a few times on those, especially when I've forgotten to take one, or I've ran out at the weekend. You'll be fine.

I think as long as you dont just stop taking them without the docs advice, a few hours here and there wont cause you any harm.

Just out of interest, what time of day do you take yours? I usually take mine between 7 and 8pm a couple of hours after eating.

18-11-15, 08:13
doesnt this med lower your blood pressure.
i took it once for my tachycardia episode and my blood pressure droped
and at one point i nearly fainted.

18-11-15, 09:16
Propanalol is a beta blocker used to lower BP, but it is also prescribed to help with some of the symptoms of anxiety - especially the increased heart beats.

I found it very successful when I was prescribed it 10 years ago, but since then have been diagnosed with asthma so this time around I am on AD because it is contra-indicated with asthma patients.