View Full Version : Anxiety chest pains days after?

11-11-15, 01:15
Can anxiety chest pains due to an attack days or even a week after and be not very painful?

11-11-15, 01:39
Chest pains are one of the most common symptoms.

11-11-15, 04:39
Yes definitely.

11-11-15, 08:58
After a particularly bad panic attack, my chest and upper back are sore for a good few days afterwards. It can range from a pain where I only feel it if I move certain ways or if I touch the affected muscles or it can feel like someone literally just punched me in the back and chest. A warm bath really helps as does that bio freeze numbing cream, though I tend to just use that cream in the summer. Too cold to use that now so I just stick to a bath and hot water bottle in the winter lol.