View Full Version : Night Sweats

11-11-15, 09:07

I am 30 years old - male. I have been on citaloprame for around 5 years and now started to get regular night sweats

I know this can be a side effect of citaloprame (Ssri) but has anyone still got this side effect after 2+ years?

I thought side effects reduced over time?

Please respond your thoughts / experiences

11-11-15, 22:53
I have suffered with night sweats for the last 10 years, I've had every test under the sun within that period and nothing. Sometimes these things just happen. I've put it down to my anxiety

13-11-15, 01:24

Medication side effects can be very inconvenient. I know how you feel I also have suffered from side effects before that's why I don't depend on them too much.
Now regarding your question, it is known that side-effects decrease over time, especially once our body got enough tolerance, however, there is still a chance of being affected by it depending on our system. What I mean is, it can go back once we got sick or is under a lot of stress and fatigue. Our immune system is weak so it couldn't fight off harmful side effects. Or when we increased the dosage of the medication. Our body needs to adjust once again.

19-11-15, 00:27
I have been having night sweats on and off for years. I've been on citalopram for a number of years and thought it was a side effect of the meds

19-11-15, 03:05
Lots of things cause them - stress, anxiety, viruses, etc. I did have sweats at night the entire time I was on lexapro last time and the second time I am on it now.