View Full Version : Help with anxiety!

11-11-15, 16:10

I am a twenty year old girl who suffers from mild-severe health anxiety depending on the moment.

I am really struggling today, more so than any other this week, as I have two upcoming appointments at the hospital and doctors that I am driving myself crazy about.

Tomorrow I am having and echocardiogram at the hopsital to check my heart as a heart murmur was found by my doctor. This alone is fuelling my anixety to insane amounts. But then I also have another appointment next week at the doctors regarding my left breast - which felt firmer and bigger than the right - so they can check it after my period to see if it is hormonal. This appointment is scaring me the most, as some may have read, I have a severe fear of breast cancer, even though no lumps were found a week and a half ago, and the nurse said besides the feel, they look fine. But even though I am nearing the end of this current period, it still feels harder and bigger, although not so bad as it was. It is like the muscle is a lot bigger on one side of my left breast - whether that's linked to my work of a lot of hard chopping of food, I don't know. But it still terrifies me - the waiting, what they might say, all of it.

These two appointments are becoming a bit much for me, and right now, I feel very down and frightened, even though I have little evidence or reason to be so scared.

Any relatable stories or advice much appreciated :unsure:

dizzy daisy
11-11-15, 19:38
Hi scarlet please try not to worry. Easier said than done I know. My mum and brother have both had ecgs done and both are fine. My mum had a heart murmur detected and she's absolutely fine, the GO just monitors her that's all she's not had any issues.
I can relate to the breast thing as I had issues too a few years back now. All was ok. They just want to check you out to be on the safe side but in my experience the staff at the breast clinics are fab and they normally talk you through the examination which I was relieved about xxxx

11-11-15, 19:52

Positive thoughts