View Full Version : Dizziness?

11-11-15, 23:37
So for the past few weeks I've felt off. Not quite dizzy, just a little off balance when I turn my head or move quickly. Sometimes I feel lightheaded while sitting still. I've been assuming it was from anxiety, but yesterday I realized I've been so preoccupied by anxiety I haven't been eating much. One meal a day, if that.

I made an effort yesterday afternoon and today to eat. I had 2 decent meals today and some fruit but I still have the slight dizziness? I would Google how long it takes hunger-induced dizziness to go away but knowing my luck I would end up diagnosing myself with brain cancer (moreso than I already have).

Of course I'm sure the anxiety is making it worse, if not causing it entirely. I don't know, I'm worried enough to lose sleep over it but not worried enough to go to the effort of convincing my parents I need someone to look at my brain NOW and tell me if it's healthy.

12-11-15, 10:57
Dizziness is very common as you will see with all the posts about it on here. Lots of causes too.One of the big causes as I was told is tense muscles in shoulders and neck.Have you been having any muscle tension ?

dizzy daisy
12-11-15, 11:47
I'm the same and because of the anxiety I too have not been eating too well. My muscles are tense all over including my tummy. Xx

12-11-15, 15:43
Yes im same Daisy. Theres a brain gut reaction with anxiety.Thats why so many get stomach effects with it.. Of all things, dizzy spells is what rockets my anxiety, absolutely hate it