View Full Version : Low and lost....

12-11-15, 09:19
I am so low in mood, feel sad and alone. I have constant anxiety and stress, I have health issues I'm struggling with and emotional issues.. Due to stress my hair is falling out and that is stressing me more... The dermatologist said as soon as my stress is managed my hair will grow back...I'm stressing that I can't stop stressing!!!!! I honestly need some real support and real friends around me who understands and won't have a go at me when I talk about the things that worry me. I want to get out the house and do things to ease my anxiety and have a laugh and be myself....but i have no real friends to do that with. I see my life passing me by.. I'm 47 and my kids have grown up and I have so much time to do or go where ever I want but instead I'm at home... Crying, stressing , worrying, alone, lost.... :-(

12-11-15, 14:16
I felt like that the other day posting on here really helped . Talking it out eases that pressure in your mind. Take a day at a time today is c##p you don't know what tomorrow will bring. :bighug1:

13-11-15, 10:12
Hello Susierose

I'm sorry to hear about your state, I know you're feeling down about your hair and stress is getting on your nerves that's why your suffering from anxiety. Are you doing any treatments to deal with these matters?

For the hair loss there are new discoveries that promotes hair growth, for the stress all you need is rest and relaxation. And for the anxiety, you should undergo therapy.

I know how important support and love is in recovery, if you need anyone there are support groups out there who can accompany you on your journey. You should go out there find friends and have fun

13-11-15, 10:23
I'm sorry to hear you are struggling, Susie.

I agree with Ray on the support groups. They can really help for people who feel isolated. I used to go to one for anxiety/depression and they were a good bunch of people. Some people made friendships which continued outside the group and it was nice to bump into them and have a general chat when out too. They put social events on, had coffee mornings, music groups, bingo, etc.

I know someone else on here who has had the issue with hair falling out and she always posts telling other women how it grows back once the anxiety reduces so trust in your dermatologist.

13-11-15, 10:28
I am having therapy. taking hair vitamins and trying to eat healthy.... I am trying to do the right things... just seems like when I deal with one thing another thing happens... I just want a break so I can work on one thing at a time,, but it all over whelms me.

13-11-15, 11:23
Sorry to hear you are having a low deppresing time,its not easy esp when you have so much time on your hands,suport groups are good if there are any in your area.having no friends is tough,i know this first hand,and watching time and life go by ,hope your mood picks up soon,keep posting in hear as there are some great people hear full of good ideas for suport.x