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View Full Version : Blood in Stool from Medication?

12-11-15, 21:59

I'm a new user to this forum. I am male and 25 years old. This site has helped me out before so I figured it was finally time to get a real account. Below I'll recount a recent intestinal issue I've been having. I apologize in advance for any gross information.

About a month ago I was sick for a few days with what I assumed was a sinus infection. My symptoms included a stuffy nose, cough, fever and general achyness. To combat this I started taking Allegra. After a while I developed some serious sinus pressure so I decided to take some Motrin IB and NyQuil (NyQuil being a medicine I don't think I've ever actually taken before). This is where the issues began. A few hours after taking these two medications I felt a sudden urge to move my bowels. I rushed to the bathroom and had a movement that felt like diarrhea but was in reality mixed. Overall it was a weird and uncomfortable bowel movement. Upon wiping I saw bright red on the tiolet paper as well as the outisde of my stool. This, naturally, caused me to panic. I immediately stopped taking NyQuil under the assumption that it may have caused the issue. Over the next few days my bowel movements mostly returned to normal but a few still had what looked like small amounts of bright red blood on the surface of the stool. After about 2 weeks everything seemed to have cleared up.

However, over this last week I was bothered by what seemed like a lingering cough from my infection. For a few days I felt run down and the cough was bothering me. Eventually, being fed up with the cough I started taking some Motrin IB again as well as a flu relief pill which I didn't realize at the time had the same exact ingredients as NyQuil. About a day after starting to take these two medications I had the same exact issues with my bowel movement. I had a sudden urge to go followed by an uncomfortable bowel movement that included red when I wiped. Realizing my mistake I immediately stopped taking the flu relief pills. That was about 5 days ago and once again my bowel movements have mostly returned to normal with small amounts of blood being seem the day immediately after the initial strange bowel movement.

I'll sum up my concerns below:
-Naturally I'm afraid something is VERY wrong. I'm a hypochondriac by birth and have wipped myself into multiple panics before.
-Considering the fact that both incidents followed me taking the same combination of meds and played out very similarly I'm wondering if this could really be a reaction to medication.
-If this is a reaction could it have caused any real harm?

Since this all started I saw my doctor and explained what happened. He then referred me to a gastrointestinal specialist. I will be seeing the specialist in a week.

One more point to note is that I had a small issue with blood in stool some time around early-mid 2014. This wound up with me getting a colonoscopy (including a biopsy of colon tissue) which came up clear. Also due to a unrelated issue I had a pelvic CT scan done early this year which also came up clear. These facts have helped keep me sane through this recent issue.

I'll sum up with some questions:
-Could either of the medications I took have potentially caused this? Has anyone had any similar issues?
-Can I remain at least somewhat calm given the recent testing I've had done over the last two years?

-Thanks for reading this far. I greatly appreciate any advice you can offer.

15-11-15, 12:19
Hi ...I stress over everything so I know how it feels. Im no expert but maybe the meds you took upset your stomach and caused the diarrhea then sometimes diarrhea can cause irriration and you bleed a little. I ve been told that if tge blood is on the paper when you wipe ans it's red then it's fresh blood so maybe you may have piles or even a fissure (I have had that) which is a small tear.
You have the tests and so that is good.
I hope everything goes well with the specialist.