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View Full Version : Where are the people that are actually sick

13-11-15, 04:38
Isn't it funny how everyone or at least most from what I have seen on here, are people with health anxiety. Like you would think that people that are physically ill (really ill), would be on here too, expressing their fears? It makes me think even more how crazy we all are (or at least me). Kinda emphasises that we all maybe have too much time on our hands to worry about stuff that probably will never happen. I guess if any of us were really ill we would be feeling too shitty to even come on this. Just my thoughts :wacko:

13-11-15, 06:38
Some people are.

The thing is, if a physical problem comes first you will most likely find them on the relevant forum for their condition. Many conditions naturally cause anxiety & depression and they are catered for within the scope of the illness. For instance, a cancer patient may have CBT to help them manage the symptoms. That person will be on a cancer forum because thats their primary condition and will talk to others about how they suffer anxiety. But what you have to remember is that anxiety within that scenario is not irrational, whereas anxiety disorders are.

Someone who had anxiety first may well be on here and there are people going through various challenges but when it comes to something like this, they may not all want to discuss it.

13-11-15, 08:13
I read the forum quite a lot. I am actually sick, I do have physical health problems so bad that I have had to give up working. But I do have health anxiety too, I think this all started when I started getting ill and not knowing what was wrong was feeding the anxiety. I have got some answers now and am trying not stress too much about things. What will be will be. I don't post too often for fear of triggering some people's anxiety.

13-11-15, 09:36
It's like that for me Biscuitmuncher. I am both physically sick and nervous. Not that bad as I cannot get out. There are lots of things I would like to say on here, but I am afraid of triggering other peoples anxiety.
I am so sorry you have had to give up your work because of your illness.
Take care:hugs:

13-11-15, 09:43
I read the forum quite a lot. I am actually sick, I do have physical health problems so bad that I have had to give up working. But I do have health anxiety too, I think this all started when I started getting ill and not knowing what was wrong was feeding the anxiety. I have got some answers now and am trying not stress too much about things. What will be will be. I don't post too often for fear of triggering some people's anxiety.

There are many people on here who have real health problems in fact I know at least 4 people including myself who have had heart attacks and also suffer with major anxiety and depression illness.
They tend to try and help others rather than go into detail about their own condition,unless directly asked.It actually can be therapautic for us.

13-11-15, 09:49
I agree with all thats been said. I have a health condition and I use a specific forum for support with that issue.
I also find helping others therapeutic, it helps me put things into perspective and Understand that I'm not alone in this, it also shows me how far I've come with the anxiety, I see posts where I think I've been there and can empathise with how scary it is for that person.
We've all got a journey to share, all at different stages and I find this forum brings hope to sufferers.

13-11-15, 09:58
I maybe wrong but I am not sure how much people suffering from health anxiety look at other parts of the forum.

Personally I feel that people who are going to be triggered are inclined to find plenty of triggers away from the forum, eg googling, reading sensationalist news stories etc.

It would be a real shame if people who are physically ill cannot look for support here, at the end of the day we are all suffering and this is not a forum dedicated purely to health anxiety.

13-11-15, 10:28
I agree Elen, it's a reality, and those suffering need support too, not only that, they can often be the most inspiring for anxiety sufferers.

13-11-15, 10:55
I read the forum quite a lot. I am actually sick, I do have physical health problems so bad that I have had to give up working. But I do have health anxiety too, I think this all started when I started getting ill and not knowing what was wrong was feeding the anxiety. I have got some answers now and am trying not stress too much about things. What will be will be. I don't post too often for fear of triggering some people's anxiety.

I am the same as you and I have health issues plus health anxiety .... I have anxiety and panics about not being able to do the things I used to do.