View Full Version : constant ups and downs, anyone else?

13-11-15, 11:21
does anyone else feel like their ups and downs are just crazy with anxiety/health anxiety? at the moment I feel like I'm on a total rollercoaster of feelings and emotions with my health anxiety. some days, I wake up and I think yeah I can deal with this, im 26 im absolutely fine I'm going to get a grip and start doing things like going out again enjoying a drink enjoying trips away with friends, then suddenly an hour later i'll get an ectopic beat or a bout of palpitations and BAM that's it I'm never going out again and my life isn't worth living, I just want to crawl underneath my duvet and never leave home again as this world is far too dangerous. does anyone else experience this sort of thing? I just can't seem to make my mind up on how I feel, I spend half a day thinking im absolutely fine and can cope with anything my body throws at me then spend the other half of the day panicking that im going to die of a heart attack or terminal cancer. its so exhausting and I wish I could just be normal :( hoping im not the only one that goes through this x

dizzy daisy
13-11-15, 11:31
Hi white I'm just like this at the moment. It's just the anxiety but it's unpleasant xx

13-11-15, 14:49
hi daisy, its horrible isn't it, glad im not alone but hope you start to feel better soon hun xx

dizzy daisy
13-11-15, 15:25
You too white. It is horrible. We will get through this though xxx

13-11-15, 15:29
Thinking of you... I'm the same. I wish I had the answers to make this all stop. (hugs) x

13-11-15, 20:59
Yes I'm still like this at the moment. It sucks. I have been keeping a diary though and noting that the downs are becoming more apart. It's taken a long time though but I'm doing my best to look on the positive side that the goods are outweighing the not so goods. You aren't alone :).

13-11-15, 21:33
im the same at the min and its so horrible, every ache or pain ect sends your mind into overdrive and the anxiety kicks in.

14-11-15, 17:33
All the time. It even changes from hour to hour sometimes. Right now I'm anxious about lung cancer because of shoulder pain and some mornings I'll wake and feel like I can't even face the day. Other days I'll be fine and rational and feel so silly for worrying about what is so obviously a muscular issue. I burst into tears earlier because I feel so exhausted by it all. I'm so sick of going round and round in circles and feel like I'm wasting the best years of my life with this anxiety. I feel your pain.

14-11-15, 18:24
I might be a bit late in responding, but the answer is YES. I am only twenty years old, and for the past year or so my life has been plagued with health anxiety. Like you, I have days where I feel okay and well, and then I have days where I feel like any feeling in body means I am dying, or I have some terrible disease.

I have just returned from my GP surgery for the fifth time this month, and I have decided to make a real effort - both for my sake, and that of my family - to just try to relax a little, and calm down. LIVE, basically, instead of being in constant fear and worry.

Anyway, I hope you are well, and that you find a way to hopefully eradicate this horrible anxiety.


15-11-15, 23:02
I'm the same. I have great days then anxious / upset days. I hate it.

16-11-15, 09:32
I had to reply as this is so similar to my experience... :blush: One min think "yeah I can do this", next min some ache or pain somewhere and boom! Feel like sh*t thinking I'm going to die etc etc etc

17-11-15, 11:18
thanks for all your replies everyone, it's so great to read that Im not the only one suffering with this! this forum is such a help with these issues!

its such a difficult thing to go through and I empathise with everyone going through it too, it also is having a really negative effect on my close relationships as I am so moody and emotional towards my family and partner despite their best efforts to support me. does anyone else find that they lash out at their loved ones/push them away with out meaning too?

dizzy daisy
17-11-15, 13:48
I'm not nasty but I get withdrawn and in usually quite chatty which I think is difficult for my family. I know the last few weeks my mum has been visiting and calling me a lot and I was just so withdrawn I hardly bothered to be involved in conversations because I felt like I just wanted to hide away. I'm usually on the phone every day and have always got something to say. It is horrible white and I did keep apologising to everyone including my poor husband. I'm sure they understand though xxxx

17-11-15, 13:55
In the last 2.5 years I have never had more than 3 days not worrying about some disease. I counted my symptoms the other day that I have had and it comes to 16. Im on meds but nearly off them because really they don't do much for me. I have come to the conclusion I will always be like this I don't have the energy for the fight anymore it is so draining and my wife told me 3 months ago it had to stop or we where over so I don't have a single person I can speak to about this. I have also tried CBT but it didn't do much for me.