View Full Version : I dont know where to start

13-11-15, 22:39
Hi ,
I'm new to this site and i've just been having a look at the symptoms of anxiety page and i have realized i suffer with the majority of the symptoms (it brought me to tears when i realized) . My question is i don't know where to start i have mentioned to my doctor about a a general sense of worry and was told it was a side effect to of my headaches and i am completely lost and terrified that im going to feel like this forever :weep:

13-11-15, 22:58
Hi and welcome.

Ok, start off by telling us a little bit about yourself and how you came to this site? What are your symptoms x

14-11-15, 09:30
hi thanks for replying , Im 26 and have a 3 year old little boy . my life in general is quite normal not chaotic or anything . Although i feel as though my home life is stable and happy i cant shake the feeling of worry like doing my food shopping last night i started hyperventilating and felt like i was going to faint there was no actual reason for me feeling like this .

My symptoms are headaches , muscle aches , lump in throat , feeling faint , hyperventilating , neck pain , fatigue , frequent urination , restlessness.

thank you again for replying its actually quite scary just posting in this forum :ohmy:

14-11-15, 18:32
Hey, don't feel scared - everyone on here has either been in your shoes, or is there at the minute :)
So, your doc reckons the anxiety is a side effect from headaches? What you describe certainly sounds like anxiety - my life isn't really stressful either - it just came to a head as I had had months of not sleeping due to my son not sleeping and one little incident triggered me off. The lump in the throat thing is one of my main symptoms - bloody horrible it is.

So, what have you tried? MyNameIsTerry swears by Mindfulness and has compiled a list of resources somewhere on here - if you drop him a PM or read one his posts and reply I'm sure he'll point you in the right direction.How do you cope with feeling this way? Like, last night when you started feeling faint, what did you do? x

14-11-15, 18:49
Don't be scared posting on here,everybody is here for support and help
The good news is you can recover from this 100%