View Full Version : Scared of having a panic attack at my BF brother wedding ?

14-11-15, 00:51
So I have been with my BF for 3 years and we now live together his brother is getting married in 3 months and we r both invited to the wedding . I don't really have a realtaionship with the groom or bride as they r 36 and we r 21. Only see them at Christmas but u know as it is my BF brother it will be a big deal if I don't attend the wedding . But am scared of having a panic attack during the ceromony and running out the room and interrupting the wedding . There really I don't know how to say this in a nice way but up there a bit stuck up. I wouldn't understand .

14-11-15, 10:05
Ask yourself a few questions . how often do I get panic attacks? Have I had a panic attack in another similar situation? Would it be the end of the world if I did have one? You've got chance to prepare for the wedding . practice your breathing exercises every day and try some meditation. So if you can feel one starting up you've got the tools to help you overcome it. Your boyfriend will be there to hold your hand. You'll be fine . Sometimes it's on days like this when you're so convinced something's going to happen the day goes great. I was bridesmaid at my brothers wedding and convinced I'd make a show of myself and you know what I didn't even have a sign of a panic attack. Maybe talking it out with your boyfriend will help ease your mind too

21-11-15, 15:38
Hey amanda

You just need to be ready and prepared. I understand how random and spontaneous panic attacks can be but with proper preparation you can at least limit it's drastic effects. You have some time to get ready. First is you must learn what are the things that may possibly trigger your panic, you must learn this things and if you can't overcome them at least avoid them. Secondly, practice meditation, breathing techniques and calming methods so that you can stop panic attacks before they even occur. And Lastly, know an exit strategy to avoid creating a scene. Understand the place and learn the places you can go to in case you really can't resist the attack. Inform your boyfriend about your worries and have someone to accompany you to safety as soon as you feel the panic attack. Don't overthink much, I know how important that event must be for them but your safety and health is much more important. If you really can't make it due to your health issues then don't go but I strongly recommend that you face your fears and just enjoy the celebration.