View Full Version : yet again, leukemia

14-11-15, 02:28
help again. I took a picture with flash on my phone and I see a purple spot on my back like a bruise. I show my mom and sister in person and they don't see anything. :( you can only clearly see it in person if you are only actually looking for it. convinced i have L.

---------- Post added at 02:28 ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 ----------

i have very fair skin also so anything shows on me

14-11-15, 02:32
Calm down 1 bruise doesnt mean u have leukemia. If you are concerned about it call your doctor and schedule a blood test. Try not to worry because worrying does nothing but cause more health problems. Jyst relax and leave the bruise alone for the weekend and see hiw it looks monday.

14-11-15, 21:04

I recently had a fear of Leukemia, I was like you looking at every bruise a little to much messing with it and getting my girlfriend to look at every one of them I had about 6 at one point. However I decided I needed to get over this fear and the best way to do that was to go to my GP and get the Blood test as from what I understand it rules out things like Leukemia. I think you should do the same get the Blood test and stop your worrying about it, we spend all our time worrying about illness and dying that we end up not living I don't know how old you are but I'm only 22 and have wasted a year worrying a year I could have traveled or enjoying my hobbies instead I sat on Google looking at what ever I though I had at the moment in time.

I am sure most people would agree with me when I say try and get help with your anxiety as that is more than likely your main problem.


14-11-15, 22:47
Am I the only one who doesn't understand why a bruise on your back would mean you had cancer? It means you have banged your back on something?
When it comes to taking pictures with a flash on your phone of your back to spot a bruise, you really need to concentrate on treating your health anxiety. It's a bruise...my little boy had a dark purple one on his back a week ago and I had no idea how he'd done it, it happens

14-11-15, 23:32
Am I the only one who doesn't understand why a bruise on your back would mean you had cancer? It means you have banged your back on something? .... It's a bruise...my little boy had a dark purple one on his back a week ago and I had no idea how he'd done it, it happens

It's the same as someone thinking they have lymphoma because they woke up a little sweaty or a brain tumor because they have a headache. A bruise is a bruise and a little sweating at night is normal as are headaches. It's the HA mind at it's finest (or worst depending on how you see it).

Positive thoughts