View Full Version : Flu Symptoms

14-11-15, 08:54

I think I may have a slight Flu.

My symptoms are:
Body Aches
Runny Nose
Slight Fever
I also have a slightly swollen Lymph Nodes in my arm pit, I have had Lymph Nodes swell in my neck from a cold but never in the arm pit. Is this normal when you have a flu? I know they swell but is the arm pit a normal place for a thing like this?


dizzy daisy
14-11-15, 09:42
I think that's normal if you're feeling unwell. I've had sore pits when I've had colds and flu before.
Still haven't been brave enough to call the surgery so of course I've woken up anxious again. I tried to take some comfort in what you had said that yours were back the next day xxxx

14-11-15, 09:46
Its how my HA works I get some good news with my blood tests then I get a Flu just my luck :P Well If they haven't contacted you by Monday I really wouldn't be worried as they would have contacted you if anything was wrong as thats been 5 days. Wait till Monday if they haven't contacted you by then give them a call on the Tuesday.


dizzy daisy
14-11-15, 09:48
That's what I'm like too I can worry about one thing after another. Take care you'll be ok xxx

dizzy daisy
14-11-15, 14:55
Just remembered one of your previous posts and you said you'd had a virus/ cold that lasted ages? I've been the same except for me I didn't have a runny nose, just felt really hot and dry. My husband on the other hand did have s bad cold for a few weeks and even now he keeps getting cold symptoms on and off since. I just wonder if you have the same sort of virus that might be making you feel run down today xxxx